Thursday, January 30, 2020

Oil Contract


I am Mrs.Reem Nasser, the Sales/Marketing Manager at Saudi Aramco Crude Oil Company, I have a legit and genuine lucrative business deal to discuss with you.Can i trust you to be a sincere partner to handle the business? For more information reply back.

Oil Contract


I am Mrs.Reem Nasser, the Sales/Marketing Manager at Saudi Aramco Crude Oil Company, I have a legit and genuine lucrative business deal to discuss with you.Can i trust you to be a sincere partner to handle the business? For more information reply back.

Oil Contract


I am Mrs.Reem Nasser, the Sales/Marketing Manager at Saudi Aramco Crude Oil Company, I have a legit and genuine lucrative business deal to discuss with you.Can i trust you to be a sincere partner to handle the business? For more information reply back.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Are you intrested in financial asistance ?

Oil Business

Saudi Aramco Crude Oil Company.
P.O. Box 5000. Dhahran 31311,
Dhahran-Saudi Arabia.

Dear Friend,

I have a legit and genuine lucrative business deal to discuss with you.
Can i trust you to be a sincere partner to handle the business?
For more information reply back.

Mrs.Reem Nasser,
Sales/Marketing Manager
Saudi Aramco Crude Oil Company.
Official E-mail:

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Payment of US$500,000

Attention: Sir,

This email is to all people that have been scammed in any part of the
world, the World Bank and Association of Better Business Bureau in
Collaboration with UNDP have agreed to compensate them with the sum
of USD500,000,00 (Five Hundres Thousand Dollars) only. these have been
agreed upon and have been duly signed.

Please Contact us immediately for your Compensation Fund,send him your
name, address, telephone number, occupation and age.

We are working according to the constitution binding this committee
as well as helping the less privilege through this means.

Ms Heidi Mendoza
United Nations Internal Oversight Services
Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS)

Monday, January 27, 2020

Congratulations For New Year Cash Gift

Greetings to you. Following Mr. Manuel Franco Mega Jackpot winning of $768 million on March 27, 2019 which he intends to use to pursue a variety of passions and make some charitable contributions to humanity. I am glad to inform you that you have been selected to benefit from his private donations aimed at touching lives as God has blessed him.
This donation of $2 million is made out to enable you strengthen your personal issues and generously extend hands of help to the less privileged, orphans and charity organizations within your locality.
Should you wish to verify, below are link to that effect:
Forward your message of acceptance to:
Best Regards.
Yuanq Xiao

Von Fräulein Doreen Adama Oudragoo

Von Fräulein Doreen Adama Oudragoo

Meine Liebe

Mein Name ist Miss Doreen Adama Oudragoo und ich bin 18 Jahre alt. Ich werde mich mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um die 4,8 Millionen US-Dollar zu überweisen und zu investieren. Lass die Furcht vor Gott das Leitprinzip zwischen Gott, dir und mir sein.

  Mein verstorbener Vater, Captain Adama Oudragoo, war der Adjutant des ehemaligen Präsidenten der Republik Borkina Fasso, Captain Blaise Compaore, der am 31. Oktober 2014 nach 22 Jahren nach einem Volksaufstand von der Macht gestürzt wurde.
Mein Vater wurde bei einem Familientreffen im Juli 2018 von seinen Familienbrüdern vergiftet, als meine Mutter im dritten Monat schwanger war

Meine Mutter starb im September 2018, als sie versuchte, ihr zweites Kind zur Welt zu bringen, das ein Junge war. Leider starb das Kind im Krankenhaus und meine Mutter konnte den Verlust des Kindes nach einer starken Blutung nicht ertragen und gab auf. Ich bin in Tränen, während ich dir diese E-Mail sende

Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich für Details. Antworten Sie auf diese private E-Mail-Adresse
Fräulein Doreen Adama Oudragoo

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Fw: Conditions générales FDJ
Vos gains
Vos gains

. > > > > > > > > .

> Mr/Mme,

Vous trouverez l'intégralité du message Euro millions en annexe
> >


Message de sécurité

Appli FDJ
Interdit aux mineurs Restez maître du jeu !

> > > > > > > > .


----- Message transmis -----

Provenance :Courrier pour Windows 1






Garanti sans









Friday, January 24, 2020

Investment Proposal


 I have some amount of money for immediate investment ($42,000.000.00) Please be aware that the proposed investment is expected to be actualized on behalf of my client through our efforts. I am acting on behalf of a reputable client who has given me fiduciary mandate to effect discreet placement of the sum of $42,000.000.00 in a very lucrative investment within reliable jurisdiction where ROI is guaranteed.  

 I require you to provide some details regarding the sectors of investment based on your choice if this proposal interests you.

Mr. Aadam

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Agent Needed


I sent an email to you earlier but do not know if it got to you. It is about crude oil business where you will be making commissions monthly for 5 Years as a partner. I will give you more details on your response.


Engr. E. C

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Agent Needed


I sent an email to you earlier but do not know if it got to you. It is about crude oil business where you will be making commissions monthly for 5 Years as a partner. I will give you more details on your response.


Engr. E. C

Bank of America Alert! : (Please Verification Required)539502

Bank of America®
Security Alert
Security question challenge has failed, your account is now on hold.
You will need to unlock it in order to use all services again.
Thank you for banking with us! .
We'll never ask for your personal information such as ATM PIN in email messages. If you get an email that looks suspicious or you are not the intended recipient of this email, don't click on any links. Instead, forward to then delete it.
Please don't reply to this automatically generated service email.
Privacy Notice     Equal Housing Lender 
Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC
© 2020 Bank of America Corporation

Bank of America Alert! : (Please Verification Required)552742

Bank of America®
Security Alert
Security question challenge has failed, your account is now on hold.
You will need to unlock it in order to use all services again.
Thank you for banking with us! .
We'll never ask for your personal information such as ATM PIN in email messages. If you get an email that looks suspicious or you are not the intended recipient of this email, don't click on any links. Instead, forward to then delete it.
Please don't reply to this automatically generated service email.
Privacy Notice     Equal Housing Lender 
Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC
© 2020 Bank of America Corporation

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

KHK & Partners Limited bietet ab sofort alle Arten von Darlehen für Geschäfts-, Hypotheken- und private Zwecke an 
Interessieren Sie sich für ein Geschäftsdarlehen oder eine Investition für Ihr Unternehmen?
Oder brauchen Sie nur ein persönliches Darlehen, um Ihre Rechnungen zu bezahlen?
Senden Sie uns jetzt eine E-Mail, um weitere Informationen zu unseren verschiedenen Darlehensplänen zu erhalten:


Ich bin der Ermittler Joe Holbrook von J & H Private Investigators. Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem Nachnamensvergleich für eine Erbschaft eines deutschen Millionärs. Ich war bei Rechtsanwältin Cornelia Marie angestellt. Ihr Nachname war die einzige Übereinstimmung gefunden. Bitte wenden Sie sich an:

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Business Development oppotunities

Good Day,

I represent an investment company working on financing realistic and profitable projects that buys our interest via soft loan of about 3.5% ROI for duration of 5-10 years depending on the project feasibility and renewable tenure applies.

You can always drop me an email if you have any questions or you'd like to receive further information about our lending service. Your positive response in your earliest convenience will be highly valued.

We are also looking for financial consultants and brokers with a qualified background that will work with us as our agents and representatives. In case you are interested and have clients who need loan. kindly let us know.

Best wishes,

Mr Ian Cullum
Investment Manager

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Business Development oppotunities

Good Day,

I represent an investment company working on financing realistic and profitable projects that buys our interest via soft loan of about 3.5% ROI for duration of 5-10 years depending on the project feasibility and renewable tenure applies.

You can always drop me an email if you have any questions or you'd like to receive further information about our lending service. Your positive response in your earliest convenience will be highly valued.

We are also looking for financial consultants and brokers with a qualified background that will work with us as our agents and representatives. In case you are interested and have clients who need loan. kindly let us know.

Best wishes,

Mr Ian Cullum
Investment Manager

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

I'm searching for a trustworthy business partner for investment

Greetings ,

I'm Mrs.Atiya A.Vaidya searching for a trustworthy business partner for investment into Real Estate and humanitarian Charity project in your Country the money left behind by my late husband (Dr.Shrikant Vishwanath Vaidya) who died with my two children in a school bomb explosion in Damascus - Syria when we went to pick my children in school during closing hour .
I narrowly escape death . This is very painful moment of my life .

Please View the Video below for detailed story of how i lost my family.

The investment and Charity fund worth Million of (US$}, IS YOUR COUNTRY SAFE FOR HUGE INVESTMENT ? .
Do reply with your full name ,address and mobile number for more information .

Yours faithfully,
Mrs.Atiya A.Vaidya

Tuesday, January 14, 2020



Brauchen Sie einen Kredit?
Möchten Sie Ihr Unternehmen refinanzieren?

Wir sind spezialisiert auf die Gewährung von Darlehen für Geschäfts-, Projekt-, Unternehmens- und Privatkredite zu einem Zinssatz von 2% pro Jahr.

Kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Details. E-Mail:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

PFC Capital Investment.
Copyright® 2020.


Avez-vous besoin d'un prêt?
Voulez-vous refinancer votre entreprise?

Nous nous spécialisons dans la fourniture de prêts aux entreprises, aux projets, aux entreprises et aux particuliers à un taux d'intérêt de 2% par an.

Contactez-nous pour plus de détails. Courriel:

Votre sincèrement,

PFC Capital Investment.
Copyright® 2020.

Kredite zu 2%

Senden Sie uns noch heute eine E-Mail für einen dringenden Kredit.

Monday, January 13, 2020

I have been trying to reach you, Is this email still active?

Please contact Mr. Douglas McGregor on his personal e-mail on:
He has an important information for you.

A. Kumar

Sie haben eine Spende von 850.000 US-Dollar erhalten

Sehr geehrter Begünstigter,
Ihre dringende Antwort ist in Bezug auf die Spende von 850.000 US-Dollar erforderlich, die Sie von Manuel Franco erhalten haben. Für weitere Informationen zur Beantragung Ihrer Spendengelder wenden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail an den Spendenkoordinator:
Manuel Franco

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Die SWISS INVESTMENT CORPORATION LTD vergibt günstige Kredite ohne Bonitätsprüfung und ohne umfangreiche Unterlagen. Unsere Kreditübertragung dauert maximal zwei (2) Arbeitstage bei einem Zinssatz von nur 3%. Wenn Sie an einer Zusammenarbeit mit uns interessiert sind, geben Sie bitte die folgenden Details an:

Vollständiger Name :
Benötigte Menge:
Adresse :
Alter :
Besetzung :

Wir sind bestrebt, Ihnen den besten Service aller Zeiten zu bieten.

Vielen Dank ,
Philippe.L Michael.

I have been trying to reach you, Is this email still active?

Please contact Mr. Douglas McGregor on his personal e-mail on:
He has an important information for you.

A. Kumar

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Your response is neeeded regarding the $850,000.00 that was donated to you

Friday, January 10, 2020



Vous aviez besoin de prêts d'argent entre particuliers pour faire face
aux difficultés financières pour enfin sortir de l'impasse que
provoquent les banques, par le rejet de vos dossiers de demande de
crédits ? Je suis un citoyen français en mesure de vous faire un
prêt de 5000 euros à 2000000 euros et avec des conditions qui vous
faciliteront la vie.Voici les domaines dans lesquels je peux vous aider :
* Prêt a la consommation
* Prêt immobilier
* Prêt à l'investissement
* Prêt automobile
* Dette de consolidation
* Marge de crédit
* Deuxième hypothèque
* Rachat de crédit
* Prêt personnel
Vous êtes fichés, interdits bancaires et vous n'avez pas la faveur des
banques ou mieux vous avez un projet et besoin de financement, un
mauvais dossier de crédit ou besoin d'argent pour payer des factures,
fonds à investir dans les entreprises.Alors N'hésitez pas a me recontacter
à l'adresse:
avec votre demande si vous
êtes intéressé .
NB : Pas sérieux s'abstenir .

Cordialement Patrick GUERIN .

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Dear Honest Partner

35 Marina P. O. Box 5216,

Dear Honest Partner.

I need your assistance to transfer the sum of $7.500.000.00
Million Dollars out of my bank to a foreign country.This fund has
been dormant for a very long time and my bank does not know about
it.I will put your name as the real owner of this fund and i will
present you to the bank.

At the end of the successful transfer of this fund to your bank
account.We are to share it 70% 30%.70% for you and 30% for me.I
will come down to your country and receive my own share of the
fund to avoid any detection from my bank and government.

However,all i need is a trustworthy person.Reply me with your
direct phone number and country of origin so that i can call you
and brief you more about this transaction.

Please note that,this transaction is risk free and safe,because i
have all the documents as proof.

Yours truly,
Rev. James Abel
(Director International Remittance Department)

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

$1,500,000 Donation made to you.
Donor: Mr. Franois Pinault
Please Contact; for more details.

Note: Only reply directly to:


$1,500,000 Donation made to you.
Donor: Mr. Franois Pinault
Please Contact; for more details.

Note: Only reply directly to:


€1,500,000 Donation made to you.
Donor: Mr. Franois Pinault
Please Contact; for more details.

Note: Only reply directly to:

1.500.000 € Spende an Sie.
Spender: Herr Franois Pinault
Wenden Sie sich bitte; Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter

Hinweis: Antworten Sie nur direkt an:



Sunday, January 5, 2020

Together we can make the world a better place

Mr. Manuel Franco just donated $850,000.00 to you. Kindly respond for more details

Friday, January 3, 2020

Re: Miss Caroline Tagro

Hello Dear,

I am Caroline Tagro, I am 22 yrs old, Could you help in this transaction?

Regards From

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Gute Nachrichten von Frau Bright Edna?

Schönen Tag,

Ich grüße Sie und Ihre Familie und heiße Bright Edna. Ich bin ein Waisenkind, der Tod meines Vaters hat mein Leben tatsächlich traurig gemacht. Vor dem Tod meines Vaters rief er mich an und erzählte mir, dass er die Summe von vier Millionen vierhunderttausend US-Dollar bei einer Bank hinterlegt hatte und er Ich habe meinen Namen als nächstes von Kins für diese Einzahlung verwendet. Er gab mir außerdem alle erforderlichen Unterlagen zu dieser Einzahlung. Bitte seien Sie nicht verlegen. Ich bitte Sie um Ihre Aufmerksamkeit, mir zu helfen, diesen Fonds auf Ihr Konto zu überweisen, und mir zu beraten, in welches lukrative Geschäft ich diesen Fonds investieren soll dein Land, wenn ich rüberkomme.

Bitte geben Sie Ihr Interesse durch eine Antwort an mich an, damit ich Ihnen die erforderlichen Informationen und Einzelheiten zur weiteren Vorgehensweise übermitteln kann. Ich biete Ihnen 20% des Gesamtgeldes für Ihre Unterstützung an und warte auf Ihre positive Antwort. Möge Gott segne dich für deine schnelle Aufmerksamkeit?

Frau Bright Edna



Are you desperately in need of a loan?
Have you been denied of a loan from your bank or any institution?
Do you need financial assistance?
Do you need a loan to pay off your bills or buy a home?
Do you want to have a business of your own and you need a Loan for your
financial demands?

Sarah Campbell Ann