Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Lassen Sie mich zunächst vorstellen: Mein Name ist Xiau Chan Yu, ein Mitarbeiter der Wing Hang Bank hier in Hongkong. Ich kontaktiere Sie bezüglich eines Kunden und einer Investition, die unter unser Bankmanagement gestellt wird. in der Tat war es vor 4 Jahren. Ich möchte Sie respektvoll bitten, den Inhalt dieser E-Mail privat zu halten und die Integrität der Informationen, die Sie aufgrund dieser E-Mail erhalten, zu respektieren. Ich habe Sie unabhängig von unserer Untersuchung kontaktiert und niemand wird über diese Mitteilung informiert. Ich möchte Sie mit bestimmten Fakten vertraut machen, von denen ich glaube, dass sie für Sie von Interesse sind. Es ist sehr wichtig, dass Sie auf jedes Wort achten und es verstehen, das ich unten niedergeschrieben habe. Bitte haben Sie etwas Geduld und lesen Sie die Erklärung in meiner E-Mail.
Ich kontaktiere Sie bezüglich eines Kunden und einer Investition, die unter unser Bankmanagement gestellt wird. in der Tat war es vor 4 Jahren. Ich möchte Sie respektvoll bitten, den Inhalt dieser E-Mail privat zu halten und die Integrität der Informationen, die Sie aufgrund dieser E-Mail erhalten, zu respektieren. Ich habe Sie unabhängig von unserer Untersuchung kontaktiert und niemand wird über diese Mitteilung informiert. Ich möchte Sie mit bestimmten Fakten vertraut machen, von denen ich glaube, dass sie für Sie von Interesse sind. Es ist sehr wichtig, dass Sie auf jedes Wort achten und es verstehen, das ich unten niedergeschrieben habe. Bitte haben Sie etwas Geduld und lesen Sie die Erklärung in meiner E-Mail.
Ich frage Sie, ob ich Ihnen die Überweisung von 10.500.000,00 Euro anvertrauen kann. Alles, was Sie tun müssen, ist, den ordnungsgemäßen Prozess zu befolgen, um der Begünstigte dieser Mittel zu werden. Sobald sie an Sie überwiesen wurden, werden wir beide das Geld scheren Jeweils 50%.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich per E-Mail, wenn ich Ihnen dieses Geld anvertrauen kann (Sie geben vor, der nächste Verwandte zu sein). Kontaktieren Sie mich per E-Mail: thechinaagent@gmail.com
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Xiau Chan Yu.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch
Bitte geben Sie die folgenden Informationen ein, damit Ihr Gewinnbetrag an Sie überwiesen werden kann.
Vollständiger Name
John Andrew
Herzlichen Glückwunsch
Bitte geben Sie die folgenden Informationen ein, damit Ihr Gewinnbetrag an Sie überwiesen werden kann.
Vollständiger Name
John Andrew
Edward Adamu,Deputy Governor(CBN)
Re:::Your Fund Wire Transfer/Compensation
we fight against fraud, funds delay and impersonation.
Postal Address: P O Box 2629, Alberton, 1450
Street Address: Block 5, Meyersdal Office Park, 65 Philip Engelbrecht
Street, Meyersdal, 1448.
This mail serves as a listening ear to the victims of scam the world
over. We
have been having a meeting for the past 7 months which ended 2 days ago
the secretary general of the United Nations Organization.and The
President of
South African Government(Cyril Ramaphosa)This message is to all the
that have been scammed in any part of the
world, the United Nations with the South Africa Government have agreed to
compensate them with the sum of US$5,000,000. This includes every foreign
contractors that may not have received their contract sum, and people
had an unfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due
Government problems etc.We have a database of victims and that is why we
are contacting you,this has
been deliberated upon and is among our set of priorities in making the
world a
better place.You are advised to contact me Van Schalkwyk Danny (SAFPS
Executive Director) as
i am the representative in South Africa. Contact me immediately for the
transfer of USD$5,000,000. either Bank to Bank wire transfer or through
CARD delivery.This Fund is with Standard Bank Of South Africa for safety
purpose. do provide me with your bellow details.
1. Your full name:
2. Your residential address:
3. Mobile and fax number (for regular official contact).
These above-mentioned informations will officially enable us to carry out
our verification processes and after your que compensation sum /
Funds will be approved in your name and Electronically wired into your
designated Bank account or by ATM Card delivery to your
doorstep.depending on
Which mode of payment you prefer.You are to contact this office upon
receipt of this notification immediately to
proceed for payment. Vision: To fight corruption to the stand still and
All The Africa to the enviable standard of respectability and dignity of
nations.Your immediate compliance to this will expedite actions on your
Payment because here in this office, we have a lot of listed victims
to be settled.do get back to this office through
Officially Signed
Van Schalkwyk Dannym
SAFPS Executive Director
Friday, March 27, 2020
Veranstaltung voller neuer, einzigartiger Erfahrungen teil. Erleben Sie die Expo 2020 Dubai. Endlose MÿFFFFC3ÿFFFFB6glichkeiten. Drei thematische Bezirke. Eine Welt
voller Aromen Mit unserer ermutigenden Duty-Free-Lotterie in den VAE, die von der Duty-Free-Lotterie-Vereinigung der VAE organisiert wird und in der Ihre E-Mail als einer unserer glÿFFFFC3ÿFFFFBCcklichen Gewinner hervorging, ist
dieses Jahr unvergesslich geworden. Es handelt sich um eine zufÿFFFFC3ÿFFFFA4llig
ausgewÿFFFFC3ÿFFFFA4hlte Aktion ÿFFFFC3ÿFFFFBCber unsere Online-Plattform in
ÿFFFFC3ÿFFFF9Cbereinstimmung mit Microsoft und Google, wie von dieser Vereinigung vorgeschrieben. Daher wurde Ihre E-Mail unter anderem als unser Gold Lucky Winners mit einem Preisbetrag von nur 4.750.000,00 USD ausgezeichnet.
Nachfolgend finden Sie Ihre Gewinninformationen, die Sie
fÿFFFFC3ÿFFFFBCr sich behalten mÿFFFFC3ÿFFFFBCssen:
Ticketnummer: A9Z44Q63UAE19
Betrag: 4.750.000,00 USD
Um Ihren Preisfonds zu erhalten, geben Sie bitte die folgenden Informationen ein und senden Sie ihn an uns zurÿFFFFC3ÿFFFFBCck, damit Sie Ihr
Gewinnzertifikat vorbereiten kÿFFFFC3ÿFFFFB6nnen, das Sie an die zahlende Bank
fÿFFFFC3ÿFFFFBCr Ihren Fonds senden.
Die oben genannten erforderlichen Informationen
ermÿFFFFC3ÿFFFFB6glichen es uns, die Beschaffung Ihres Gewinnzertifikats zu erleichtern, sodass Sie die zahlende Bank fÿFFFFC3ÿFFFFBCr Ihren Preis als Zahlungsmodus kontaktieren,
der vom Duty-Free-Organisationskomitee der VAE angegeben wird.
Geben Sie Ihre Daten ein und senden Sie sie an diese E-Mail, um die Verarbeitung Ihrer Zahlung zu ermÿFFFFC3ÿFFFFB6glichen:
Wir gratulieren Ihnen noch einmal!
Vielen Dank,
Duty Free Lotterie.
Dubai Expo 2020, erleben Sie den Unterschied!
Ich bin Frau Vera Albert, die einzige Tochter des verstorbenen Wilfried Albert aus Côte d'Ivoire; Bitte ich brauche dringend deine Hilfe; Mein Vater hat hier vor seinem Tod einen Betrag von €3.500.000 bei einer Bank hinterlegt. Ich möchte dieses Geld für meine Zukunft unter Ihrer Obhut in Ihrem Land oder in einem Land Ihrer Wahl investieren.
Die ursprüngliche Einzahlungsbescheinigung ist bei mir, aber das Schlimmste daran ist, dass ich gedemütigt, belästigt worden bin.und frustriert von meinem unmittelbaren bösen Onkel, der versucht, mich wegen dieses Geldes umzubringen, weil ich mich geweigert habe, ihm das ursprüngliche Bankdokument auszuhändigen: Dieser Mann hat alle Grundstücke meines verstorbenen Vaters verkauft, die mir rechtmäßig gehören; und jetzt möchte er, dass ich den Bankbeleg übergebe, den ich abgelehnt habe. Aus diesem Grund bin ich von zu Hause weggelaufen und habe mich derzeit in einem örtlichen Gästehaus versteckt, bis dieses Geld überwiesen wird, damit ich das Land zu meiner Sicherheit verlassen kann und auch um meine Ausbildung zu fördern.
Ich bin bereit, Ihnen 30% des Geldes anzubieten, wenn Sie mir nur in meiner gegenwärtigen Situation helfen können.
Aus diesem Grund habe ich Sie kontaktiert.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Vera Albert
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Investment Project.
In my long years of work with top financial management companies in the United Kingdom, I presently have two clients (Non Europeans) who have funds to give out for investment either on equity or loan basis.
The areas to be considered for the investment are as follows Real estate, Oil & Gas, Agriculture, Health, Aviation, Tourism, Retail, Construction, IT & Communications, Technology, Education, Energy, Engineering, Utilities, Telecoms, Mining, Maritime, sustainable energy and host of other profitable ventures.
Intending beneficiaries must have a business plan and show their capability to manage huge funds. The beneficiary must be able to deliver good and sustainable returns on investment to the investor annually. If you are that person or establishment seeking to expand your existing business or you have new ideas waiting for implementation, the opportunity is here.
James Kimberly.
✅ FW: Notificacion Giro Folio 176594 del 26/03/2020 - DTE -
Atte: Defontana Casa Matriz Isidora Goyenechea 2800, Oficina 3404 Las Condes, Santiago, Chile. Tel: 800 386 100 Email: contacto@defontana.com
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
DHL AWB Shipment Notification : 9493479543
3,5 Millionen US-Dollar wurden Ihnen gespendet
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Schöne Grüße,
Ich bin Frau Vera Albert. Ich habe beschlossen, dieses E-Mail-Gespräch über ein vertrauliches humanitäres Projekt einzuleiten, das ich mit Ihnen in Ihrem Land in Höhe von vier Millionen Euro (4.000.000,00 €) gegen CORONAVIRUS teilen möchte
Ich hoffe, Sie werden mir dringend antworten.
Mrs. Albert
CDP COVID-19 Response Fund
In response to the outbreak #COVID19, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) has launched the CDP COVID-19 Response Fund to support preparedness, containment, response and recovery activities for those affected and for the responders.
Help provide lifesaving medical care to poor families and children in Countries all over the World. Tackling the necessity of a safe vaccine for all requires a cooperative and worldwide effort.
Your gift will help ensure that these vulnerable individuals receive coronavirus vaccines to the medical services they desperately need.
We would like to request you to donate a convenient amount for the vaccine.
Donations can be made through bitcoin address below:
BTC address - 193JTRp1YSR9HXVS8QrZcXvaZm4sXYCt6n
I hope you would agree to contribute towards this noble cause.
Brennan Banks,
Disaster Recovery Funds
If you wish to mail in a check, please send to:
Center for Disaster Philanthropy
One Thomas Circle NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
Financial support
Monday, March 23, 2020
RE: Winning Pin code Number BMW:2541256004/25 !!!
This is to inform you that you have been elected for a prize of a
brand new 2018 Model BMW hydrogen 7 series Car,A Check
of($950,000.00)from the international balloting programs held on
the 1st section of the 2018 annual promo in the UNITED STATES OF
The selection process was carried out through a random
computerized email selection system(ESS)from a database of over
250,000 email addresses drawn from all the countries of the
world, which your email address was selected.
The BMW Lottery is approved by the British Gaming Board and also
licensed by the international Association of Gaming Regulators
(IAGR),to begin the processing of your price claim, you are to
contact our fiduciary claim department for more information as
regards to the procedures on the claim of your prize.
Name: Mr Robert Houston
Email address:( roberthouston329@gmail.com )
Contact him by providing him with your secret pin code Number
BMW:2541256004/25 You are also advised to provide him with the
under listed information as soon as possible:
1. Name in Full
2. Residential address
3. Nationality
4. Age
5. Occupation
6. Direct phone
7. Present country
8. Email address
9. Pin code Number BMW:2541256004/25
Mrs Rachael Adams
Peace Be Upon You
I am sending this mail for the second time to you and I don t know if you received the first mail I sent to you
Please forgive me for stressing you with my predicaments as I know that this letter may come to you as big surprise. Actually, I came across your E-mail from my personal search afterward I decided to email you directly believing that you will be honest to fulfill my final wish.
I am Mrs. Sabah, 58 years old, I am suffering from protracted cancer of the lung/liver which has also affected part of my brain cells due to its complications, and from all indication my condition is really deteriorating as my doctors have confirmed and courageously advised me that I may not live beyond two months from now for the reason that my tumor has reached a critical stage which has defiled all forms of medical treatment, I want you to be my representative to transfer my money for the help of the less privilege and building of an orphanage home.
At this moment I have a deposit sum $4.2 Million US Dollars with one of the leading bank in United States of America (USA), but unfortunately I cannot visit the bank since I am critically sick and powerless to do anything myself but my bank account officer advised me to assign any of my trustworthy relative, friends or partner with authorization letter to stand as the recipient of my money but sorrowfully I don't have any reliable relative and no child.
I am currently on a sick bed and could not carry out the further process of sending all the details about the $4.2 Million US Dollars deposited into a suspense account, whereby I am going to face another surgery in few days from now, Please indicate your wiliness if you can manage the humanitarian work regarding my wish 20% will be for you as the project organizer.
please Kindly contact me through my private e-mail" mrs2018sabahibrahim@gmail.com " with the detail needed below.
Your full name..........
Your private telephone number..........
Your passport or identity card........
Your country....................... ...
Your occupation..............
Thank you as i wait your reply.
My Regards,
Mrs Sabah Ibrahim.
Written From Hospital
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Hello 3/22/2020 11:24:14 PM
ken over all that my father left for me over there in Sudan and I cannot go back there because of the current war.
Just two weeks ago the security company was able to contact me and said my uncles reached out to them and trying to make claim but was declined because I am the next of kin. They are trying to take advantage of me as the only child because my mother and father got separated while I was very young.
Also during the time of deposit, my father stated in the documents that the consignment should only be released to me when i am 16yrs but I must present a foreign investor/partner who can stand as my guardian to help me invest the money in any meaningful/lucrative business in your country and also help me come over to further my education.
Right now I am not safe here and due to my bad health condition, I cannot handle this all by myself. This is why I came to seek for a trust person to stand as my foreign beneficiary/partner, to receive this for me so that you can help me invest it in any profitable business in your country because this is my only hope and source of livelihood.
I am anxiously waiting to hear from you so that I can forward all documentation and tell you how to make claim.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Produzir Para Transformar
Rua 1 Congresso do MPLA, No 7-17
Caixa Postal 1316, Luanda Republica de Angola.
I am financial broker of Isabel Dos Santos, the eldest Daughter of Former Angolan president JOSE EDUARDO DOS SANTOS born April 20 1973, She's a successful business woman but presently persecuted by General Joao Lourenco and he is bent on collecting all she has worked for with the excuse that it all belongs to the Angolan State hence she got four major contracts from the State while her father was the president of Angola.
He has cancelled those contracts and he is investigating her transactions within and outside of Angola, I am contacting you for an assistance to move the sum of (US$1.5Billion) which She deposited with in a Bank abroad, though she has other funds in some other banks in other countries but she urgently need you to step in to take over this and invest it in your country.
But you have to be ready to travel in person to meet with the bank if the need be and I will introduce you to the financial expert who will assist you in handling this transaction without hitches. She is ready to offer you 40% of the fund directly while we will draft an agreement that will empower you to manage the fund for between five to ten years with different incentives, while she remain underground investor.
I look forward to your response as that will guarantee me that you can handle this project. You can read more about her on the internet or view the following links if you care:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Isabel_dos_Santos
https://www.makaangola.org/ 2018/07/isabel-dos-santos-the-
https://www.iol.co.za/ business-report/international/ the-fall-of-africas-richest-
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Edward Carlos.
Produzir Para Transformar
Rua 1 Congresso do MPLA, No 7-17
Caixa Postal 1316, Luanda Republica de Angola.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Sécurisé votre compte
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Loan offer at 3% interest rate
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Bitte geben Sie die folgenden Informationen ein, damit Ihr Gewinnbetrag an Sie überwiesen werden kann.
Vollständiger Name
John Andrew
Bitte geben Sie die folgenden Informationen ein, damit Ihr Gewinnbetrag an Sie überwiesen werden kann.
Vollständiger Name
John Andrew
you have lost a lot of money all because you want to receive your fund
well note that all that have been put to a stop as the federal government of
Nigeria has promised to assist you with the sum of $5million in other to
compensate you and all you have to do is fill the below information s.
1 full name
2 home phone and cell phone number
3 occupation
4 amount that was lost by you
Send this and get back at once.
Warm regards
Monday, March 16, 2020
Inmail SSH ~ deejayrig.primera@blogger.com
I hope you had a productive week, I sent you a proposal via LinkedIn on the 22nd of last month...did you get the message?
I look forward to reading from you soon... Mrs. Karen Ngui
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Abandoned Consignment...
I am the new EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR and Head of Operations of
Credit Commission London, UK. Sometime ago, in
our organization your overdue consignment fund was brought to our
office for final delivery clearance.
However, upon my arrival to this office, I found your consignment
clearance file lying fallow on my desk without any attention. On
thorough scrutiny I discovered that your consignment have been
abandoned by your delivery agent. Meanwhile, I have made several
attempts to contact your delivery agent but to no avail. To my
greatest surprise, during my recent routine checking, I
discovered that your consignment content declaration documents
that your consignment contains personal effects meanwhile, it
United States dollar bills worth over US$ 10.5 Million dollars,
made it impossible for the consignment to be delivered to you
before now.
Based on this personal discovery, I am contacting you now to let
know that with my position and power in this office, I can assist
to legally clear your consignment fund, but you must agree with
following conditions:
You must not disclose to any member of my organization whatever
assistance that I am going to render to you in respect of
this consignment fund into your custody.
You will provide me with an authenticated promissory note, other
known as partnership agreement, that upon the safe arrival of the
consignment fund to your custody, that you give me 40% of the
fund contained in the consignment.
You must give adequate attention to this matter until we
and legally clear the consignment fund into your custody.
Upon your acceptance with my above conditions, I will furnish you
further details of what should be done to legally get the
fund cleared and delivered to you as the rightful owner of the
Meanwhile, if you know that you would be unable to keep the
secret of
my assistance to you in this regards, please do not border to
Hence the consignment fund would be recovered into our
treasury account as unclaimed consignment fund. Be informed that
consignment contain the sum of $10.5 million dollars in the
But if you can assure me of your competency to keep this secret,
would like to hear from you soon as possible so that I can email
further details and guidelines.
I am looking forward to your earliest response.
Have a Great Day
Mr. Peter Brook
Head of Operations
Friday, March 13, 2020
3,5 Millionen US-Dollar wurden an Sie gespendet
Votre banderole vous attend
Vous avez des difficultés à visualiser ce message ? Consultez-le en ligne.
Offre valable jusqu'au 20 Avril
Banderole de 240x74 cm dès 32 EUR/HT
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Banderole économique laminée PVC souple 450 Gr
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Oeillets tous les 50 cm et ourlet sur tout le pourtour inclus.

1 Banderole achetée à seulement 39 EUR HT*
2 Banderoles achetées à seulement 34 EUR HT*
3 Banderoles achetées à seulement 32 EUR HT*
Tous nos services infographies sont OFFERTS
(Photo et texte fournis par le client)
SANS RISQUE = je ne paye que si j'approuve le bon à tirer
* Emballage et transport non inclus
Regardez sur les réseaux sociaux les maquettes que nous créons pour nos clients:
Utilisation : Extérieure et intérieure
Applications : événementiel, animation commerciale, décoration de façade, spectacle, manifestations sportives, expositions, décoration urbaine, concerts, manifestations culturelles, signalétique.
Ce message est destiné aux sociétés et aux professionnels.
Vous recevez ce mail d'information car vous êtes enregistré sur notre base.
Conformément à l'article de loi du 06/01/1978, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification des données nominatives vous concernant.
Je ne veux plus recevoir de mails d'informations de votre part :Se désabonner
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Dit bericht (inclusief de bijlagen) kan vertrouwelijk zijn. Als u dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, wordt u verzocht de afzender te informeren en het bericht te wissen. Gebruik van deze informatie door anderen dan de geadresseerde is verboden. Het is niet toegestaan om dit bericht, geheel of gedeeltelijk, zonder toestemming te gebruiken of te verspreiden. MeanderGroep Zuid-Limburg sluit elke aansprakelijkheid uit wanneer informatie in deze e-mail niet correct, onvolledig of het niet tijdig overkomt, evenals indien er schade ontstaat ten gevolge van deze e-mail. MeanderGroep Zuid-Limburg garandeert niet dat het bericht vrij kan zijn van onderschepping of manipulatie daarvan door derden of computerprogramma's die worden gebruikt voor elektronische berichten en het overbrengen van virussen. Externe e-mail wordt door MeanderGroep Zuid- Limburg niet gebruikt voor het aangaan van verplichtingen.
Voor meer informatie over MeanderGroep Zuid- Limburg raadpleegt u http://www.meandergroep.com/
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Prezado Beneficiario
Isso serve para informar que um cheque de US $ 5.000.000,00 foi aprovado para lhe ser pago pelo Programa de Doa����o das Na��oes Unidas.
Schneider Sebastian
Global Giving
Monday, March 9, 2020
You share the same last name with a client whom passed away 2005 alongside
his family and left behind USD27.5M in our bank. I request your approval
to put you as receiver. If this suits your interest, please send your
cell/phone, fax and names, for more details.
Re: blogger.com.: Pop/Imap Incoming Mails
Dear deejayrig.primera,
You have pending incoming emails that you are yet to receive.
Access to deejayrig.primera@blogger.com will be restricted until you confirm ownership.
Note: Access to deejayrig.primera@blogger.com will be restricted within 48 (forty eight) working hours.
blogger.com support Team
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Your ATM Visa Card available right now.
Remittance Department funds of International Transfer.
Address: 7741 unesvia Avenue kotoungbe rue cotonou.
Website www.ubagroup.com
Our Ref: 2494UBA5754
Your ATM Visa Card has been issued out this morning and the said Card is available right now for immediate pick up by the rightful owner which is you, your Visa Card is under my supervise, while the Pin Code which you will use to access it is under the protection of the Management for security reasons. be rest assured that United Bank for Africa {UBA} has approved and upgraded your ATM Visa Card in your favor this morning. The amount upgraded in is $8.7 million.
Official invitation have been extended to you to visit United Bank For Africa {UBA} Republique du Benin and collect your ATM Visa Card and Pin Code so that you will activate it by yourself and start withdrawing Money/funds from any ATM Visa Machine in any part of the World, but the amount you can withdraw per a day is $5,000usd as we have programmed it.
Alternatively, if you are unable to visit United Bank for Africa Republique du Benin for collection of your ATM Visa Card and Pin Code, then you must therefore applied/comply for your ATM Visa Card to be deliver to you via our Diplomatic Courier Service at your own expenses by offsetting the following payments such as:
A) Shipment fee is $45.00 dollars.
B{ Insurance Fee 50.00
Your ATM Visa Card must be insured so that it can get to you without any problem or diversion. This is because these ATM Visa Card can be use to withdraw money/funds from any ATM Machine in any part of the world. Your secret Pin Code will be given to you once you received the Card from us for security reason, the payments sum of us$95.00 dollars must be paid to enable us shipped the ATM Visa Card to your address to enable you Activate it once you received it and start withdrawing us$5,000 dollars from any ATM Visa Machine in any part of the world.
Therefore, once we confirmed, you are ready for the shipment, if you cannot come to United Bank for Africa Republique du Benin for collection of your ATM Visa CARD, we will furnish you the receiver information which you will use to send the required fee.
As soon as the fee is received, we shall immediately dispatch your ATM Visa Card to your address, we are waiting for your quick reply.
Remain Bless for your Co-operating with us into (UBA).
Yours in service,
Mr. Davis Callen, Manager ATM Department
United Bank for Africa Republique du Benin
E-mail: uba.unitedbankforafrica@citromail.hu
E-mail: uba-group-bank@consultant.com
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Re.: Migration africaine
Cher lecteur
Je suis un écrivain brésilien, concentré sur les questions africaines.
La sur exploitation promue par l'Europe sur le sol africain est la cause et la conséquence du sous-développement africain et des migrations massives que nous assistons aujourd'hui.
Je lance un livre qui raconte l'histoire de Jonathan Makeba et sa lutte pour l'indépendance économique de son pays, du Burkina Faso et de toute l'Afrique. Cette histoire implique des hommes d'affaires, des politiciens et des gens corrompus de toutes sortes, autour d'un investissement d'un milliard de dollars.
Le titre est: Hommage à Jonathan Makeba
Lisez cette histoire passionnante. Je suis sûr que vous vous identifierez aux idéaux de Jonathan Makeba.
Veuillez voir ici:
https://www.amazon.fr/Hommage-Jonathan-Makeba-Altair-Maia/dp/1674935919/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3% 95% C3% 91 & mots-clés = hommage + à + jonathan + makeba & qid = 1582854118 & sr = 8-1
Pour toute question, écrivez mon e-mail personnel: altair2001@yahoo.com
part time iş ilanları yabancı dil
Votre banderole imprimée en qualité photo
Si vous ne parvenez à visualiser ce message, cliquez ici . Offre valable jusqu'au 15 Avril
Banderole Économique 450 GR
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Emballage et transport non inclus, minimum 3 m2 facturé Oeillets tous 50cm ou Fourreau = Cadeaux*
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Tous nos services infographies sont inclus
(Photo et texte fournis par le client)
SANS RISQUE = je ne paye que si j'approuve le bon à tirer
Regardez sur les réseaux sociaux les maquettes que nous créons pour nos clients:
Ce message est destiné aux sociétés et aux professionnels.
Vous recevez ce mail d'information car vous êtes enregistré sur notre base.
Conformément à l'article de loi du 06/01/1978, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification des données nominatives vous concernant, pour ne veux plus recevoir de mails d'informations de votre part :Se désabonner
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Case ID Number : PP-009-536-987-252.
PayPal Secure.. this message is from a trusted sender |