Thursday, April 30, 2020
Ich bitte Sie aufrichtig um Ihre Unterstützung bei der Überweisung von
(18.699.800 Millionen Dollar), die mein verstorbener Kunde Ing. Bei
der BB & T Bank hier in den USA hinterlegt hat. Marko, er ist
Staatsbürger Ihres Landes und ehemaliger CEO einer Öl- und
Erdölindustrie mit Sitz in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Sein
Bankkonto ist seit seinem Tod seit Jahren inaktiv. Er starb ohne
Testament am 3. Februar 2017 mit seiner Frau und ihrer einzigen
Tochter in einem tödlichen Auto
Unfall entlang des Northbound State Highway.
Die Bank hat mir jedoch das Ultimatum gestellt, einen Begünstigten
oder Angehörigen vorzulegen, der die Mittel in Anspruch nimmt, um eine
Beschlagnahme des Fonds zu vermeiden. Ich möchte, dass Sie als
rechtlicher Begünstigter (Next Of Kin) auftreten, da Sie mit meinem
Kunden denselben Nachnamen haben, damit dieser Betrag erhalten bleibt
auf Ihr Konto übertragen. Dann werde ich in dein Land kommen, du und
ich werden das Geld zu 45% für mich und zu 45% für dich und zu 10% für
das Waisenhaus teilen.
Sobald ich Ihre Antworten erhalten habe, werde ich in Ihrem Namen von
der US-Behörde eine Bescheinigung über den Eigentümerwechsel erhalten
und diese bei der BB & T Bank einreichen, damit sie diese zur
Verhinderung an Ihre Bank senden kann
Wenn Ihre Bank die Quelle des Fonds nicht in Frage stellt, werde ich
hier als Ihr Anwalt / Vertreter auftreten, um sicherzustellen, dass
dieser Betrag legal auf Ihr Konto überwiesen wird.
Ich garantiere Ihnen, dass dieser Deal unter einer legitimen
Vereinbarung ausgeführt wird, die Sie vor Gesetzesverstößen schützt.
Ich erwarte Ihre dringende Antwort mit Ihrem
Ausführliche Informationen direkt an meine E-Mail-Adresse, damit ich
weitere Informationen / Fondsdokumente senden kann, um Zweifel an der
Existenz des Fonds auszuräumen. E-Mail: coopersamuel726@gmail.com
Freundliche Grüße,
Cooper Samuel
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Urgent Business Proposal
I know this will come to you as a surprise but the need to involve a reliable and honest person to transfer out U.S.$25,800,000.00 from my employers C.F.M Finance, Cayman Island has made me to seek your assistance believing that you will never let me down either now or in future.
I am Mrs Leticia Wallace, Group Director of C.F.M Finance, Cayman Island. There is an account opened in this Bank on the 9th of January 2020. The owner of this Account is Mr. Alberto Celentano, an Italian Business mogul and the owner of AB Celentano Group of Companies Ltd, Grand Cayman. He died of the COVID-19 (Corona Virus) on the 10th of February 2020 without any Next of Kin or beneficiary to his funds in our firm. I am his personal accountant and if i do not remit this money out urgently,it will be fortified for nothing as the government will confiscate it divert it to their private purse. I am contacting you as a foreigner because this money can not be approved to any local bank here but can only be approved for transfer to any foreign account or persons with all the needed legal papers to prove he/she is the rightful beneficiary.
The Management of my Bank is ready to approve this funds to any Foreigner who has the correct information to this Account which i will give to you when you assure me your capability to handle such amount in strict confidence and trust,i need your strong assurance and trust. I will apply for my resignation after the funds has been transferred into your nominated account as this will enable me to come over to your country and collect my share for lucrative investments. I will destroy all the documents concerning this transaction immediately the funds are transferred to your nominated account leaving no trace of the transfer to any place. I will use my High rank position here in my Bank and influence other co-staffs to effect Legal approvals and onward transfer of this money to your nominated account as the Next of Kin to the Late Account owner with appropriate clearance from probate registry & Foreign Payment Department with assurance that this money will be intact pending my physical arrival in your Country for the sharing and other investments,at the conclusion of this business, I will give you 40% of the total amount, 5% extra for any miscellaneous expenses and I will take 55% hoping that this sharing ratio is accepted by you. I am desperately waiting for your earliest response.
Letty W.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
✅ FW: Estimado(a) Contribuyente-TGR 94604656
Estimado(a) Contribuyente: deejayrig.primera@blogger.com
Debido a la informacion dada en el noticiero del canal publico informacion a partir del 30 de abril de 2020,
Comenzara la liberacion de pago a loss pensionados por concepto de contribuciones y algunos contribuyentes,
Que han realizado sus pagos a tiempo se les premiaran con un descuento del 70% durante 3 meses.
Para saber si eres beneficiario debes ingresar con tu Rut en el siguiente enlace:
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Wichtiger Sicherheitshinweis
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Please verify your email.
How are you doing, hope all is well? Please I am verifying if your
email is still working, I have sent you several messages, but could
not get any reply from you, would you get back to me? I have an
important message for you.
I am a widow who lost her husband many years ago and I am seriously
sick at the moment having Endometrial Cancer (Uterine Cancer) which
has affected me so much, my Late husband have an account with the
Barclay Bank UK and the bank recently sent me a massage that if we do
not come for the release before 2 month, they will confiscate the
account as unclaimed fund.
Please would you help me apply to the bank and release the fund as my
Late husband business partner? Kindly write to me through my private
email for more clarification, I really want this fund to go for
charity mission, such as helping th less privilege, widows and
building a home for the orphanage"": sarah44motley@gmail.com ""
Warm Regards,
Sarah Motley.
Friday, April 24, 2020
Message from Mike McLenigan.
Professional Financial Solutions LLC has been consulted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Board of Directors in conjunction with the United States Government to resolve with immediate effect all payments to beneficiaries whose fund are with Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. We have been fully informed about how the staffs of the remitting bank has been taking advantage of you by telling you to pay unnecessarily exorbitant charges which will only make your fund payment a long drawn out process. Due to this development, we have been assigned to step into the immediate processing of your fund transfer to enable your funds to be processed and released to you within the shortest possible time; to implement this, you are to get back to us immediately stating your readiness to have your long awaited fund released to without needing go through all the rigorous processes that were being demanded from you by the previous handlers at the remitting bank.
You are to cease any further communication with any of the previous shady elements that may have been communicating with you in the past attempting to frustrate you from claiming your funds. Our wide experiences in these matters as they apply to International Transfer Policies in this part of the world will enable me ensure that your outstanding fund payment is resolved with immediate effect. Finally, you are to understand that you are not the only beneficiaries being paid this way as others have been receiving their funds hence we will not compel you against your wish to do the needful and have your fund released to you. You can reach me through my privte email address {michealmclenigan@gmail.com}, thanks for your anticipated response.
Yours Sincerely,
Mike McLenigan.
Vice President
Professional Financial Solutions LLC
Message from Mike McLenigan.
Professional Financial Solutions LLC has been consulted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Board of Directors in conjunction with the United States Government to resolve with immediate effect all payments to beneficiaries whose fund are with Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. We have been fully informed about how the staffs of the remitting bank has been taking advantage of you by telling you to pay unnecessarily exorbitant charges which will only make your fund payment a long drawn out process. Due to this development, we have been assigned to step into the immediate processing of your fund transfer to enable your funds to be processed and released to you within the shortest possible time; to implement this, you are to get back to us immediately stating your readiness to have your long awaited fund released to without needing go through all the rigorous processes that were being demanded from you by the previous handlers at the remitting bank.
You are to cease any further communication with any of the previous shady elements that may have been communicating with you in the past attempting to frustrate you from claiming your funds. Our wide experiences in these matters as they apply to International Transfer Policies in this part of the world will enable me ensure that your outstanding fund payment is resolved with immediate effect. Finally, you are to understand that you are not the only beneficiaries being paid this way as others have been receiving their funds hence we will not compel you against your wish to do the needful and have your fund released to you. You can reach me through my privte email address {michealmclenigan@gmail.com}, thanks for your anticipated response.
Yours Sincerely,
Mike McLenigan.
Vice President
Professional Financial Solutions LLC
850.000,00 euro gespendet
Name: Herr Manuel Franco
Antwort auf diese E-Mail: financeoffice017@gmail.com
This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Dear E-mail User,
This is to inform you that your email address with MICROS ID
BXU-GB06-LHCX-5933116 emerge our second place winner of $1,500,000 USD
from the Aloxi Pharmaceutical Inc™ Grant promotion.
Please confirm your status by logging to our site below.
Website : https://aloxipharmaceutical.com/
Username : 5933116
Password : ghlbcm
Mrs. Bharati Laurie.
Zonal Cordinator©
Visita la pagina de la UAM Azcapotzalco (https://www.azc.uam.mx
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I Hope You'll Reply
This is crucially urgent and that is my reason of writing to you, please Dear.
It is quiet absurd that, Our 40 years of marriage life and we could not have any child; My late husband was very wealthy and after his death, I inherited some parts of his businesses and money in the bank. The doctor has advised me that I may not live for more than (3) three months and 2 weeks and warn me to stop thinking over who is going to inherit our wealth. Based on that, today I have decided to donate and contribute to the less privileges, charity homes, and orphanage homes and to those displaced by wars going on in the middle-east and around other parts of the world. I made this decision after listening to the news line about 100 years old woman who secretly donated her fortune and wealth upon her death, As you read it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8o-e-ilsum
I am Mrs. Deborah E. Parrboat from republic of Ireland, born in the state of Ohio USA. I am legally married to Mr. Hilary Hendricks Parrboat, a South Africa citizen born and brought up in Switzerland, I lived in Switzerland with my husband for 18 years before we returned to south Africa in 1996 after my husband's retirement. I am 73 years old by the grace of God, and I respect humanity and nature. Actually, it is the reason I have contacted you because I know you can be trusted, as I noticed it from your profile before I decided to contact you for this. The reason I have contacted you is simply because, I have been sick with (illness) cancer of the bone (leukemia). This illness has troubled me for a long time. And all indications from my doctor and medical analysis is that, my condition is really deteriorating and getting worse; although it is God who has the final decision to my life, but the fact is that the cancer disease has gotten to a very bad stage that, there is no hope for me to be living again.
My dear husband was involved with the January 2000 Kenya airways plane crashed as you can see on the news line website. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6627485.stm ). I choose to contact you after coming across your profile in the chamber of commerce here in Johannesburg, South Africa and I have the confidence and trust in you with regards to your personality and respect that you have.
I am donating this sum of $20.5million US-Dollars, to the less privileged of which you will be responsible in taking care of the disbursement and sharing of this money to organizations that I will appoint in your country and some other places around the world. Meanwhile, you will also get 30% of the money which will be; six million and one hundred thousand dollars ($6,150,000.00), as your compensation (shear) for helping me to fulfill this WILL of donation that I and my late husband jointly agreed upon, before his death.
Please I want you to note that this fund is still in the bank where my late husband and I deposited it. I am going to advice my banker to change my last WILL to your name and file in an application for the transfer of the money in your names and to your account, once I have received your quick reply.
Please bear it in mind that every document will be changed to your name and the money will rightfully belong to your name as quickly as I get your reply. I made the promise to God that the fund will be used to help the needy and the less privilege, reply to me as soon as you get this message through this email address (estherparrboat@yahoo.com )
May God's grace guide and see you through as you help me in the fulfillment of this last WILL of mine.
Please for further discussion; write to me with through the email address
You can call me you receive this mail (+27-79-440-5094)
God bless you and your family.
I await urgent reply.
Best Regards,
Mrs. Deborah E. Parrboat.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Very Very Urgent.
Before I introduce myself, I wish to inform you that this letter is
not a hoax mail and I urge you to treat it serious. This letter must ,
come to you as a big surprise, but I believe it is only a day that
people meet and become great friends and business partners.
Please I want you to read this letter very carefully and I must
apologize for barging this message into your mail box without any
formal introduction due to the urgency and confidentiality of this
business and I know that this message will come to you as a surprise.
Please, this is not a joke and I will not like you to joke with it
OK, With due respect to your person and much sincerity of purpose, I
make this contact with you as I believe that you can be of great
assistance, to me. My name is Mr. Komi Zongo,, from Burkina Faso, West
Africa. I work in Bank here as telex manager, please see this as a
confidential message and do not reveal it to another person, and let
me know whether you can be of assistance regarding my proposal below
because it is top secret.
I am about to retire from active Banking service to start a new life ,
but I am skeptical to reveal this particular secret to a stranger. You
must assure me that everything will be handled confidentially because
we are not going to suffer again in life. It has been 10 years now
that most of the greedy African Politicians used our bank to launder,
money overseas through the help of their Political advisers.
Most of the funds which they transferred out of the shores of Africa were gold
and oil money that was supposed to have been used to develop the
continent. Their Political advisers always inflated the amounts before
transferring to foreign accounts, so I also used the opportunity to
divert part of the funds hence I am aware that there is no official
trace of how much was transferred as all the accounts used for such
transfers were being closed after transfer.
I acted as the Bank Officer to most of the politicians and when I
discovered that they were using me to succeed in their greedy act; I
also cleaned some of their banking records from the Bank files and no
one cared to ask me because the money was too much for them to
control, They laundered over $5billion Dollars during the process.
Before I send this message to you, I have already diverted
($10.5million Dollars) to an escrow account belonging to no one in the
The bank is anxious now to know who the beneficiary to the funds is
because they have made a lot of profits with the funds. It is more
than Eight years now and most of the politicians are no longer using
our bank to transfer funds overseas. The ($10.5million Dollars) has
been laying waste in our bank and I don't want to retire from the bank
without transferring the funds to a foreign account to enable me share
the proceeds with the receiver (a foreigner).
The money will be shared 60% for me and 40% for you. There is no one
coming to ask you about the funds because I secured everything. I only
want you to assist me by providing a reliable bank account where the
funds can be transferred. You are not to face any difficulties or
legal implications as I am going to handle the transfer personally. If
you are capable of receiving the funds, do let me know immediately to
enable me give you a detailed information on what to do.
For me, I have not stolen the money from anyone because the other
people that took the whole money did not face any problems. This is my
chance to grab my own life opportunity but you must keep the details
of the funds secret to avoid any leakages as no one in the bank knows
about my plans.
Please get back to me if you are interested and capable to handle
this project, I shall intimate you on what to do when I hear from your
confirmation and acceptance. If you are capable of being my trusted
associate,do declare your consent to me, I am looking forward to hear
from you immediately for further information,
Thanks with my best regards.
Mr. Komi Zongo,
Bank Telex Manager
Burkina Faso/Ouagadougou
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
please contact :stevenmartinsfirm@gmail.com for more information
Interest rate 3% per annual
Kind regards/Respect.
Mr.Steven Martins
This email might come to you as a surprise and a complete intrusion to your privacy but right now this is my only option of communicating With You. I humbly write to solicit for your partnership and assistance in the transfer and investment of my inheritance funds from my late father who died mysteriously.
I will like to further introduce myself to you. My name is Miss.Flora Frank, I am age of eighteen years girl, am only child of my late parents Mr.and Mrs. Frank Nelson
It was very evident that he was poisoned to death. In my culture, when a man dies, if he does not have a male child, the brother shares his property leaving the wife and the daughters empty handed. This is the exact case with me as I am the only daughter of my father. I lost my mother when I was barely a year old and my father refused to re-marry another wife despite all persuasion by friends and relatives, because he felt solely responsible for my mother's death, as he only concentrated on his business that he rarely pays attention to domestic/family affairs.
But he ensured that I had everything that I wanted. It was as a result of this that he made me the next of kin to his fund deposit with the bank and stated that in the event of any eventuality, I should have a direct access to the funds only when I am twenty-five years of age otherwise, I should have a guardian/partner to intercede on my behalf for the release of the funds to me. Unfortunately, he passes away and I am eighteen years of age currently.
I had discussions with the director of international remittance unit of the bank where my father deposited the funds and I was assured that once I have someone who would be honest and willing to receive the funds on my behalf for the purpose of investments in overseas, they shall commence all proceedings to effect the release and transfer of the funds into the person's designated account. Once you signify your interest to partner with me, I shall be giving you the bank contact details and also let you know how much involve so you request for the release and transfer of my inheritance fund into your nominated bank account for investment purpose and I can join you to continue my education.
Your urgent response will be appreciated. Talk to you the more.
Mis Flora
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
KAPITAL 45.107!!!...
Bitte geben Sie die folgenden Informationen ein, damit Ihr Gewinnbetrag an Sie überwiesen werden kann.
Vollständiger Name
John Andrew
Monday, April 20, 2020
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Sie aus den Fonds von Mavis Wanczyk für einen Betrag von 2.000.000 Euro ausgewählt wurden. Mein Name ist Mavis Wanczyk, der Gewinner des Power Ball Lottery Jackpot in Höhe von 758,7 Millionen US-Dollar, dem größten Preis in einem einzelnen Lottoschein in den USA. Meine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation hat Sie als unseren glücklichen Empfänger ausgewählt und erhält einen Betrag von 2.000.000 EUR. Nehmen Sie dieses Angebot an und kontaktieren Sie mich für weitere Informationen. Mavis Wanczyk < maviswanczykinc@gmail.com >
My name is Mr.Wee Ee Cheong, Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of UOB Bank, Singapore. I have a secured business proposal for you, please kindly contact me if you are interested for a comprehensive details
Mr.Wee Ee Cheong
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Darlehen Gelegenheit
Veuillez répondre à mon e-mail privé via: jarstock14@gmail.com
J'ai une proposition intéressante qui sera très utile pour moi et pour vous. Veuillez me répondre dans les plus brefs délais pour une information détaillée.
This message may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient please inform the
sender that you have received the message in error before deleting it.
Please do not disclose, copy or distribute information in this e-mail or take any action in relation to its contents. To do so is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Thank you for your co-operation.
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For more information and to find out how you can switch, https://portal.nhs.net/help/joiningnhsmail
Our benefit
I am Attorney Scott Garner, a solicitor to a client who died over a decade ago and left a fixed deposit in a Bank here in the United Kingdom without any next of Kin. I am writing you seeking your consent to present you as sole next of kin as to the deceased. What i am proposing is 99.9% risk free and i guarantee that you stand to make a lot of money for yourself (50% of the sum total). I have all documents to back my claim and have these funds released and transferred to you in less than 2 weeks and then, we both split the proceeds. I am also working with the personal account officer to the deceased as well so be rest assured this will run smoothly without issues. Kindly get back to me to acknowledge receipt of this email and indicate your interest to proceed.
Attorney Scott Garner
Bitte antworten Sie auf meine private E-Mail über: jarstock14@gmail.com
Ich habe ein interessantes Geschäftsangebot für Sie, das für uns beide von großem Nutzen sein wird. Obwohl dies für Sie schwer zu glauben sein mag, werden wir innerhalb weniger Tage 9,2 Millionen GBP zwischen uns gewinnen. Bitte gewähren Sie mir den Vorteil des Zweifels und hören Sie mich an. Sie müssen Ihr Interesse bekunden, indem Sie auf meine private E-Mail-Adresse antworten: jarstock14@gmail.com
Am wichtigsten ist, dass Sie versprechen, alles, was Sie von mir lernen, zwischen uns zu behalten, auch wenn Sie sich entscheiden, nicht mitzumachen. Ich werde Ihnen nach Erhalt einer positiven Antwort weitere Einzelheiten zur Verfügung stellen.
Schöne Grüße.
Jarred Christopher.
This message may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient please inform the
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Please do not disclose, copy or distribute information in this e-mail or take any action in relation to its contents. To do so is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Thank you for your co-operation.
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For more information and to find out how you can switch, https://portal.nhs.net/help/joiningnhsmail
Friday, April 17, 2020
Coordinatrice administrative |
RE:COVID-19 is real, please stay safe
Investigation Officer
Accra Ghana.
After proper and several investigations and research at Western Union and Money Gram Office, we found your name among those that have been scammed and swindled by those unscrupulous persons. In this regard a meeting was held between Ghana Government and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) as a consequence of our investigations it was agreed that the sum of One Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($1,500,000.00) should be giving to you as compensation.
We have submitted this E-mail ID to our payee bank (United Bank for Africa) UBA Ghana PLc. Contact your payment account officer through his email address below;
Contact Person: Mr. Kwesi Adam
Contact Email: officialinfoemail@yahoo.co.jp
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Gloria Titi
Investigation Officer.
#COVID-19 is real, please stay safe
RE:COVID-19 is real, please stay safe
Investigation Officer
Accra Ghana.
After proper and several investigations and research at Western Union and Money Gram Office, we found your name among those that have been scammed and swindled by those unscrupulous persons. In this regard a meeting was held between Ghana Government and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) as a consequence of our investigations it was agreed that the sum of One Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($1,500,000.00) should be giving to you as compensation.
We have submitted this E-mail ID to our payee bank (United Bank for Africa) UBA Ghana PLc. Contact your payment account officer through his email address below;
Contact Person: Mr. Kwesi Adam
Contact Email: officialinfoemail@yahoo.co.jp
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Gloria Titi
Investigation Officer.
#COVID-19 is real, please stay safe
Finanzielle Unterstützung
Name: Herr Manuel Franco
Antwort auf diese E-Mail: creditfunds017@gmail.com
This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
We are consultants to several government within the Ecowas sub-region and have been mandated to assist people with funds ,contract payments inheritance and other forms of payment within Africa which has not been paid for several years.
There is good news and you don't have to give up because we will assist you file for the appeal and release of such funds and make such you are paid within the shortest possible time at no extra cost to you.
Do reply for more details.
Best Regards,
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Ihr PayPal-Konto wurde eingeschränkt. |
Sehr geehrter Kunde, sehr geehrter Kunde Beachten Sie, dass Sie noch MaÃnahmen ergreifen müssen, um Ihr PayPal-Konto wiederherzustellen. Bis Sie dies tun, wird Ihr Konto begrenzt.  Was ist los? Wir haben ungewöhnliche Aktivitäten in Ihrem PayPal-Konto festgestellt und sind besorgt über einen möglichen unbefugten Kontozugriff. Was machst du als nächstes? Melden Sie sich mit der Schaltfläche "Jetzt wiederherstellen" bei Ihrem PayPal-Konto an und befolgen Sie die Schritte, um Ihre Identität und die letzten Kontoaktivitäten zu überprüfen. Um Ihr Konto zu schützen, bleibt Ihr Konto begrenzt, bis Sie die erforderlichen Schritte ausgeführt haben.Â
Mit freundlichen GrüÃen PayPal |