Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Votre banderole imprimée en qualité photo
Si vous ne parvenez à visualiser ce message, cliquez ici . Offre valable jusqu'au 31 Janvier 2021
Banderole Économique 450 GR
13.70 EUR HT LE M2
Emballage et transport non inclus, minimum 3 m2 facturé Oeillets tous 50cm ou Fourreau = Cadeaux*
Ourlet tout le pourtour = Cadeaux*
Tous nos services infographies sont inclus
(Photo et texte fournis par le client)
SANS RISQUE = je ne paye que si j'approuve le bon à tirer
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Ce message est destiné aux sociétés et aux professionnels.
Vous recevez ce mail d'information car vous êtes enregistré sur notre base.
Conformément à l'article de loi du 06/01/1978, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification des données nominatives vous concernant, pour ne veux plus recevoir de mails d'informations de votre part :Se désabonner
Confidential Proposition
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From: Mr. Frank Raymond Auditor General, Smith & Williamson Holdings Limited London, United Kingdom. Dear Friend, I am Mr. Frank Raymond, the Auditor General, Smith & Williamson Holdings Limited, United Kingdom. In the course of my auditing, I discovered a floating fund in an account, which was opened in 1990 belonging to a dead foreigner who died in 1999. I have been able to contact the Late account holder's attorney; but every effort made to track any member of his family or next of kin has since failed hence I got in contact with you to stand as his next of kin since you bear the same last name. He died leaving no heir or a will. Since his attorney is aware, you will contact his attorney since he has all the legal documents backing the fund. My intention is to transfer this sum of Five Million, Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars only, in the aforementioned account to a safe account overseas. I am therefore proposing that you quietly partner with me and provide an account or set up a new one that will serve the purpose of receiving this fund. For your assistance in this venture, I am ready to part with a good percentage of the entire funds. We will share the funds in the proportion of 60% for you, 10% for the attorney, 20% for me and 10% will be donated to Charitable Organizations. After going through the deceased person's records and files, I discovered that: (1) No one has operated this account since 1999. (2) He died without an heir; hence the money has been floating. (3) No other person knows about this account apart from the attorney and there was no known beneficiary. That is why every process has to go through the attorney. If I do not remmit this money urgently, it would be forfeited and subsequently converted to company's funds, which will benefit only the directors of my firm. This money can be approved to you legally as with all the necessary documentary approvals in your name. However, you would be required to show some proof of claim, which the attorney will provide you with and also guide you on how to make your applications. Please do give me a reply so that I can send you detailed information on the modalities of my proposition. I completely trust you to keep this proposition absolutely confidential, I look forward to your prompt response. Best Regards, Mr. Frank Raymond Auditor General, Smith & Williamson Holdings Limited, London, United Kingdom. Email: frkrymnd15@yahoo.com | |
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Mr. Frank | |
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Re: Confidential Proposition
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From: Mr. Frank Raymond Auditor General, Smith & Williamson Holdings Limited London, United Kingdom. Dear Friend, I am Mr. Frank Raymond, the Auditor General, Smith & Williamson Holdings Limited, United Kingdom. In the course of my auditing, I discovered a floating fund in an account, which was opened in 1990 belonging to a dead foreigner who died in 1999. I have been able to contact the Late account holder's attorney; but every effort made to track any member of his family or next of kin has since failed hence I got in contact with you to stand as his next of kin since you bear the same last name. He died leaving no heir or a will. Since his attorney is aware, you will contact his attorney since he has all the legal documents backing the fund. My intention is to transfer this sum of Five Million, Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars only, in the aforementioned account to a safe account overseas. I am therefore proposing that you quietly partner with me and provide an account or set up a new one that will serve the purpose of receiving this fund. For your assistance in this venture, I am ready to part with a good percentage of the entire funds. We will share the funds in the proportion of 60% for you, 10% for the attorney, 20% for me and 10% will be donated to Charitable Organizations. After going through the deceased person's records and files, I discovered that: (1) No one has operated this account since 1999. (2) He died without an heir; hence the money has been floating. (3) No other person knows about this account apart from the attorney and there was no known beneficiary. That is why every process has to go through the attorney. If I do not remmit this money urgently, it would be forfeited and subsequently converted to company's funds, which will benefit only the directors of my firm. This money can be approved to you legally as with all the necessary documentary approvals in your name. However, you would be required to show some proof of claim, which the attorney will provide you with and also guide you on how to make your applications. Please do give me a reply so that I can send you detailed information on the modalities of my proposition. I completely trust you to keep this proposition absolutely confidential, I look forward to your prompt response. Best Regards, Mr. Frank Raymond Auditor General, Smith & Williamson Holdings Limited, London, United Kingdom. Email: frkrymnd15@yahoo.com | |
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Mr. Frank | |
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Thursday, December 24, 2020
Societegenerale.fr :Vous avez un nouveau 📧 à dispαsition
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Re: Hello
Le magnétique pour vos véhicules
Vous avez des difficultés à visualiser ce message ? Consultez-le en ligne. Offre valable jusqu'au 25 Janvier 2021
Utilisez nos panneaux magnétiques sur vos véhicules comme support éphémère et réutilisable
Impression direct éco solvant qualité photo sur plaque aimantée de moins de 2 mm d'épaisseur flexible à utiliser sur surface métallique uniquement.

4 unités de 60x40 cm = 58 EUR HT*
4 unités de 40x80 cm = 77 EUR HT*
2 unités de 60x120 cm = 72 EUR HT*
Tous nos services infographies sont inclus
(Photo et texte fournis par le client)
SANS RISQUE = je ne paye que si j'approuve le bon à tirer
* Emballage et transport non inclus
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Ce message est destiné aux sociétés et aux professionnels.
Vous recevez ce mail d'information car vous êtes enregistré sur notre base.
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CEO von Facebook
Mark Zuckerberg
Sunday, December 20, 2020
A la atencion de compras
Buenos dias
Como sabran en la actualidad existe un crecimiento exponencial de contagios de coronavirus por ello el gobierno y las autoridades sanitarias recomiendan el uno de felpudos desinfectantes ya que segun estudios el virus cae de las gotas de la saliba al suelo a nuestros pies y entra en casa.
Existe un proyecto de ley que los hara obligatorios en lugares publicos y centros de trabajo.
le ofrecemos nuestros productos muy economicos, desde 15 eur en la siguiente tienda online.
pueden adquirirlo por whatsapp al 666 115 067
Les saluda cordialmente
Juan Sebastian Yegles
iClean Dog Wash - Special Christmas Offer 2020 ! 🎁🎄 -> Don't miss out!