BMW ofa North America, LLC
300 Chestnut Ridge Road.
Woodcliff Lake
NJ 07677-7731, USA.
NOTE: If you received this message in your SPAM/BULK folder, that is because there are restrictions implemented by your Internet Service Provider, we urge that you treat it genuinely.
Dear Beneficiary (
This is to inform you that you have been automatically selected by our random Computerized Email Selection System as a beneficiary of our ongoing promotional program winning you the prize of a brand new BMW 7 Series Car and a Check of $1.5 million.
Description of prize vehicle;
Model: BMW X7 xDrive40i All Wheel Drive SUV
Body: SUV
City: 19 MPG
Exterior: Mineral White Metallic
Interior: Cognac
Engine: 3.0L Straight 6-Cyl Engine
Trans: Automatic.
The selection process, carried out by our Computerized Email Selection System for verifiably random results to follow through with the Promotional Marketing code which ensures that prizes are awarded following the laws of chance. The raffle draw random email selection process was initiated with a database of over 250,000 email addresses drawn from the internet, with your email( selected as the number 7th winner.
The BMW Promotional Marketing Lottery Program is authorized and supported by the International Chamber of Commerce(ICC), also Licensed by the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR).
Winners case file reference registration number is assigned to a specific fiduciary claims officer. For more information as regards certifying the claims process of your prize, kindly be advised to contact your assigned fiduciary officer with details seen below.
Name: Stefan Richmann
Contact your assigned fiduciary officer by providing him with your Reg. pin code Number: 0011185003/25
To certify your claims, fill out the requested identifiable information:
Address :
Nationality :
Phone :
Drivers license number:
Reg pin code Number: 0011185003/25
Initiation of case file authorization process for clearance would only commence upon confirmation of the above requested identifiable information.
Congratulations! To You, from all our staffs.
Bernhard Kuhnt
CEO and President
BMW of North America
United States of America
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
You've made it!
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
my subject
Votre adresse e-mail est-elle active ? Je vous ai envoyé un message plus tôt et j'ai besoin de votre réponse urgente extrêmement importante, en ce qui concerne vos fonds réclamer un don de 2,8 millions d'euros. contactez-moi par e-mail
Ich bin Thomas Yi, ich habe kürzlich am 27. März 2021 eine Mega Million Jackpot-Ziehung gewonnen und mich bereit erklärt, 10.000.000,00 $ an Sie zu spenden, um Teil meines Wohltätigkeitsprojekts zu sein, und drei (3) glücklichen Menschen, die weltweit finanzielle Unterstützung leisten. Glücklicherweise wurde Ihre E-Mail über eine von Google und Social Media gesponserte E-Mail ausgewählt.
Sie können dies überprüfen, indem Sie die folgenden Websites besuchen und Ihre Antwort an mich zurücksenden.
Wenn Sie diese E-Mail erhalten haben, gehören Sie zu den glücklichen Gewinnern. Sie müssen mich nur über diese E-Mail kontaktieren, da ich diese regelmäßig ( mit Ihren Daten überprüfen werde, damit ich Ihre Daten an die Auszahlungsbank senden kann.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Monday, September 27, 2021
Einfaches Kreditangebot
Diese Nachricht soll Sie darüber informieren, dass ATLANTIC FINANCIAL INVESTMENT alle Arten von DARLEHEN zu einem Jahreszins von 3% anbietet. Sie benötigen eine Finanzierung jeglicher Art? Geschäftlich, Hypothek, Privat usw. Alle interessierten Bewerber sollten sich so schnell wie möglich bei uns melden.
(1) Vollständiger Name
(2) Vollständige Adresse
(3) Land:
(4) Alter:
(5) Beruf:
(6) Telefonnummer:
(7) Geschlecht:
(8) Kreditbetrag:
(9) Kreditlaufzeit:
Diese E-Mail, einschließlich aller Anhänge, kann vertrauliche Informationen enthalten und ist ausschließlich zur Verwendung durch den Adressaten bestimmt. Wenn Sie diese E-Mail irrtümlicherweise erhalten haben, benachrichtigen Sie bitte den Absender, geben Sie ihren Inhalt nicht an andere weiter und löschen Sie sie von Ihrem System. Jede andere Verwendung dieser E-Mail und/oder Anhänge ist untersagt. Diese Nachricht ist nicht als elektronische Unterschrift oder Absicht zum elektronischen Vertragsabschluss gedacht.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Attn: Read Carefully..
In our investigations from banks on International and National Funds Transfer (INFT) protocols in the past 10 years from all banks worldwide. We have come across your contact details and records with one of these Banks. In view of the carried investigations, we have contacted you confidentially for vital information toward your transaction with this bank. It was clear that the bank have delayed your payment thereby looking for a means to divert your fund to different individual account not belonging to you.
However, all bank officials who mishandled your transaction has been duly sacked and management dissolved and dismissed from bank work as a result of this attempt. Upon our investigation conclusion, we found out that your transaction was legitimate and for this reason, a compensation amount of $3,150,567.00 (Three million one hundred and fifty thousand, five hundred and sixty seven dollars) has been allocated to you for immediate payment through our accredited bank, EURO BANK- PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS.
Kindly contact the compensation paying officer with the below details.
Name: Mr. Larry Ellis
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Scott
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Attn: Read Carefully..
In our investigations from banks on International and National Funds Transfer (INFT) protocols in the past 10 years from all banks worldwide. We have come across your contact details and records with one of these Banks. In view of the carried investigations, we have contacted you confidentially for vital information toward your transaction with this bank. It was clear that the bank have delayed your payment thereby looking for a means to divert your fund to different individual account not belonging to you.
However, all bank officials who mishandled your transaction has been duly sacked and management dissolved and dismissed from bank work as a result of this attempt. Upon our investigation conclusion, we found out that your transaction was legitimate and for this reason, a compensation amount of $3,150,567.00 (Three million one hundred and fifty thousand, five hundred and sixty seven dollars) has been allocated to you for immediate payment through our accredited bank, EURO BANK- PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS.
Kindly contact the compensation paying officer with the below details.
Name: Mr. Larry Ellis
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Scott
Friday, September 10, 2021
Ich bin Richard Wahl, Sie haben eine humanitäre Spende von 20 Millionen Euro erhalten. Antworten Sie mit Ihren Daten für weitere Informationen.
Ich warte auf Ihre früheste Antwort.
Viel Glück.
Herr Richard Wahl
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Una Biblia unica de Estudio 14-02-55
La Biblia Desde El Hebreo al Español
ya que trae lucidez a las vidas que por años han sido adoctrinados a un sistema donde se ha puesto en un valor muy bajo a las escrituras desde su origen, tanto idiomático, por ende cultural y conceptual .
La Biblia desde el hebreo al español trajo esta renovación de pensamiento y viene para que muchos salgan de la oscuridad que nos dice isaias yeshayah que esta el mundo.-, por ende cultural ya que trae lucidez a las vidas que por años han sido adoctrinados a un sistema donde se ha puesto en un valor muy bajo a las escrituras desde su origen, tanto idiomático, por ende cultural y conceptual .
- Restauración de los nombres Hebreos
- Restauración orden de libros canónico
- Hebreo Conceptual
- Vocabulario
- De estudio
14-02-5561718394To stop getting mails
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
[[]] Sent a Meeting Reminder
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Approved for September . Please review and keep for your records. | ||||
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Open |
Monday, September 6, 2021
Salve, noi di Zion Finance Group stiamo attualmente offrendo prestiti a un basso tasso di interesse del 2%.
Questa è un'occasione da non perdere. Abbiamo alcune domande;
Ha bisogno di te?
Vuoi saldare i tuoi debiti?
Vuoi essere equipaggiato finanziariamente?
Quindi richiedi un prestito da Zion Net Credit oggi. I clienti interessati sono pregati di contattare per ulteriori informazioni.
Vogliamo aiutarti con un prestito.
Saluti, sig. Bernardo.
I wish to inform you that your email address has been selected to receive
the sum of $5,000,000.00 from the United Nation Compensation fund as part of your pending unclaim fund/Donation. Your fund
has been approved Through a Visa atm card that would enable you withdraw
$2,000 USD daily plus option of possible bank transfer. Reply immediately
for more information
Jurgen Bergmann
Salve, noi di Zion Finance Group stiamo attualmente offrendo prestiti a un basso tasso di interesse del 2%.
Questa è un'occasione da non perdere. Abbiamo alcune domande;
Ha bisogno di te?
Vuoi saldare i tuoi debiti?
Vuoi essere equipaggiato finanziariamente?
Quindi richiedi un prestito da Zion Net Credit oggi. I clienti interessati sono pregati di contattare per ulteriori informazioni.
Vogliamo aiutarti con un prestito.
Saluti, sig. Bernardo.
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Salve, noi di Zion Finance Group stiamo attualmente offrendo prestiti a un basso tasso di interesse del 2%.
Questa è un'occasione da non perdere. Abbiamo alcune domande;
Ha bisogno di te?
Vuoi saldare i tuoi debiti?
Vuoi essere equipaggiato finanziariamente?
Quindi richiedi un prestito da Zion Net Credit oggi. I clienti interessati sono pregati di contattare per ulteriori informazioni.
Vogliamo aiutarti con un prestito.
Saluti, sig. Bernardo.
Salve, noi di Zion Finance Group stiamo attualmente offrendo prestiti a un basso tasso di interesse del 2%.
Questa è un'occasione da non perdere. Abbiamo alcune domande;
Ha bisogno di te?
Vuoi saldare i tuoi debiti?
Vuoi essere equipaggiato finanziariamente?
Quindi richiedi un prestito da Zion Net Credit oggi. I clienti interessati sono pregati di contattare per ulteriori informazioni.
Vogliamo aiutarti con un prestito.
Saluti, sig. Bernardo.
Saturday, September 4, 2021
Salve, noi di Zion Finance Group stiamo attualmente offrendo prestiti a un basso tasso di interesse del 2%.
Questa è un'occasione da non perdere. Abbiamo alcune domande;
Ha bisogno di te?
Vuoi saldare i tuoi debiti?
Vuoi essere equipaggiato finanziariamente?
Quindi richiedi un prestito da Zion Net Credit oggi. I clienti interessati sono pregati di contattare per ulteriori informazioni.
Vogliamo aiutarti con un prestito.
Saluti, sig. Bernardo.
Friday, September 3, 2021
Attn: Read Carefully..
In our investigations from banks on International and National Funds Transfer (INFT) protocols in the past 10 years from all banks worldwide. We have come across your contact details and records with one of these Banks. In view of the carried investigations, we have contacted you confidentially for vital information toward your transaction with this bank. It was clear that the bank have delayed your payment thereby looking for a means to divert your fund to different individual account not belonging to you.
However, all bank officials who mishandled your transaction has been duly sacked and management dissolved and dismissed from bank work as a result of this attempt. Upon our investigation conclusion, we found out that your transaction was legitimate and for this reason, a compensation amount of $3,150,567.00 (Three million one hundred and fifty thousand, five hundred and sixty seven dollars) has been allocated to you for immediate payment through our accredited bank, EURO BANK- PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS.
Kindly contact the compensation paying officer with the below details.
Name: Mr. Larry Ellis
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Scott