Thursday, August 15, 2019

Re: £1m from the Coca-cola 2019 Winter prize draw

1 Queen Caroline Street
Hammersmith, London
W6 9HQ - United Kingdom .

To: 2019 Winter Prize Winner

I wish to inform you that we have completed the Coca-cola 2019
Summer prize draw and your e-mail address emerged as the lucky
winner. You have won yourself a prize award payout sum of
£1,000,000.00 (One Million Great Britain Pounds).

We have arranged a claims agent who will help you with the claim
of your prize award. His name is Dr. Steve and his contact
details are below,

Name: Dr. Steve

You are required to contact him immediately for guidelines on how
to receive this prize and also forward a copy of this letter to
him via email for confirmation of your winning details. Please
note that this email should be kept confidential as it contains
your secret ticket number : 139573490206

Congratulations once again.

Mrs. Sharon Burrells
Prize Administrator

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