Wednesday, January 30, 2019

RE: Envio de FACTURA ELETRONICA Folio: 8854001 - ( 590773228090 )

Estimado Contribuyente: Este email fue generado durante el proceso de emision de Boleta de Honorarios Eletronica a la baja y remitida a usted conforme a la legislacion vigente.:
En el archivo adjunto esta el resultado XML correspondiente a esta Boleta. Usted podra consultarla a traves del sitio Portal SII.

Atte: SII de Chile - Validacion de DTE

Tuesday, January 29, 2019 Promoción premiada. - linio: 13D6T - 29/01/2019 11:31:33

Verifique seu e-mail para ajudar a proteger sua conta.
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Estimado cliente su %email% ha sido sorteado, usted acaba de ganar un televisor Smart 4k gigante de 65 pulgadas en nuestra promoción.Para más detalles haga clic en el enlace de promoción a continuación.


Manténgase atento: ¡No pase su contraseña a terceros!


Acceda a la Política de Seguridad de la Información y dé su aceptación.

En caso de duda, llame al Service Desk: 0800-282003

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Monday, January 28, 2019

You have a package on it's way


Dear DHL Client,

You have a package on its way.
This letter was sent at the request of Staples Inc to notify that the shipment has
been transmitted to our warehouse. To validate the actual transit status of a package, click here for an invoice.

Thanks for choosing DHL . We look forward to providing you best service and fast at the best possible rates. Questions? For your convenience, we offer you a Customer Service:

For online Customer Service, click right here.


DHL 2018. DHL . DHLBrandmark, and the color orange are trademarks of DHL Express, Inc. All rights reserved.
Trademarks, trade names, or service marks that appear in connection with DHL are the property of their owners.
**Do not respond to this message. WE will not receive any messages**

This e-mail holds personal info and may be private. In case you are not the meant receiver, the duplicating or use of the material of this information is totally forbidden and you are advised to remove message immediately.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

FedEx Tracking


Online FedEx Tracking
Please click on the tracking number listed below to view shipment facts:

Tracking  849524765621

Delivery progress bar
In transit


To find the latest state of your delivery, click on the tracking number above.

This tracking update has been delivered to you by FedEx.

Thank you for your business.

2018 FedEx. The content of this note is safeguarded by copyright and trademark laws and regulations under United States and international laws. Review our personal privacy policy. All rights reserved..

Friday, January 4, 2019

Re: RV: Emision de Boleta de Honorarios Eletronica Nro. 1450012019/DTE - ( 131687645800 )

Estimado Cliente, Este email fue generado durante el proceso de emision de Boleta de Honorarios Eletronica a la baja y remitida a usted conforme a la legislacion vigente.:
En el archivo adjunto esta el resultado XML correspondiente a esta Boleta. Usted podra consultarla a traves del sitio Portal SII.

Atte: SII de Chile - Validacion de DTE