Sunday, December 25, 2022

Mrs. Larisa

I am Mrs Larisa D. Kalashnyk, my husband and our only son were killed by the Russian military who invaded my country (Ukraine). Only I and my daughter (Zoriana) survived the bomb blast. Please, if this email is valid, I need your kind assistance
Ich bin Frau Larisa D. Kalashnyk, mein Mann und unser einziger Sohn wurden vom russischen Militär getötet, als es in mein Land (Ukraine) einmarschierte. Nur ich und meine Tochter (Zoriana) überlebten die Bombenexplosion. Bitte, wenn diese E-Mail gültig ist, brauche ich Ihre freundliche Unterstützung

Mrs. Larisa

I am Mrs Larisa D. Kalashnyk, my husband and our only son were killed by the Russian military who invaded my country (Ukraine). Only I and my daughter (Zoriana) survived the bomb blast. Please, if this email is valid, I need your kind assistance
Ich bin Frau Larisa D. Kalashnyk, mein Mann und unser einziger Sohn wurden vom russischen Militär getötet, als es in mein Land (Ukraine) einmarschierte. Nur ich und meine Tochter (Zoriana) überlebten die Bombenexplosion. Bitte, wenn diese E-Mail gültig ist, brauche ich Ihre freundliche Unterstützung

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Mrs. Larisa

I am Mrs Larisa D. Kalashnyk, my husband and our only son were killed by the Russian military who invaded my country (Ukraine). Only I and my daughter (Zoriana) survived the bomb blast. Please, if this email is valid, I need your kind assistance
Ich bin Frau Larisa D. Kalashnyk, mein Mann und unser einziger Sohn wurden vom russischen Militär getötet, als es in mein Land (Ukraine) einmarschierte. Nur ich und meine Tochter (Zoriana) überlebten die Bombenexplosion. Bitte, wenn diese E-Mail gültig ist, brauche ich Ihre freundliche Unterstützung

Monday, December 12, 2022

I await your urgent communication thank you....


I know you might be surprised when this email gets to you. I barely know you but i wish to entrust some responsibilities to you.My name is Mrs. Bethanie Veronica Lee; I am a dying woman who has decided to donate what I have to you/church. I am 59 years old and I was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer for about two years, immediately after the death of my husband, who has left me everything he worked for. He owned an import/export company which operated in the UK, west Africa and in china I have been touched by God to donate from what I have inherited from my late husband to you for the good work of God, rather than allow my relatives to use my husband hard earned funds ungodly, since we had no kids to inherit them.

Please pray that the good Lord forgive me my sins. I have asked God to forgive me and I believe He has because He is a merciful God. I will be going in for an operation in less than a month and I'll want you to stand as the beneficiary to the account of my late husband in the United Kingdom and in Africa. Also to the motherless and less privilege and also for the assistance of the widows.

You would be entitled to 20% of all the funds which are deposited in bank/finance house in the United Kingdom and in Africa. The remaining 80% will be used to set up a foundation in my husband's name, which will be used to help the less privileged. At the moment I cannot take any telephone calls due to the fact that my relatives are around me and my health status.

Please contact my lawyers in charge of the funds and they will arrange the transfer of the funds from my account to your preferred account as you would be the beneficiary to them.

Pls. Contact my lawyer in London,

Barrister Anthony Berry with the specified address:
TELL: +44 745 204 1874
Fax: +44 700 580 0051

There are above 20 million dollars deposited in banks/finance houses in the UK as well as in Africa. Please use your share of the funds well and always extend the good work to others.

Please tell him that I have asked you to reach him. This is my private

God blesses you.
Mrs. Bethanie Lee.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

AW: Unser Gespräch


Du hattest dich vor kurzem auf unserer Webseite angemeldet, um auch möglichst schnell Profite zu generieren. 

Wir haben nichts mehr von dir gehört und werden deinen Platz in Kürze an jemanden auf der Warteliste weitergeben.

Falls Du jetzt noch profitieren möchtest, melde dich schnell hier: Hier klicken

Es haben bereits mehrere Hundert Teilnehmer fünfstellige Beträge verdient! Jeder kann es.

Herzliche Grüße

Tom Wenker








Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Free Janitorial Estimate

Good Morning

My name is Christine Fuller from Perfect Janitorial Solutions Company. We specialize in cleaning and sanitization of offices & commercial spaces. We take pride in delivering exemplary janitorial services for an affordable rate. We are certified for quality by the cleaning management institute. We would like to provide you a free estimate for your facility.

 If you are available sometimes this week or next week we can set an appointment with you and we only require a brief 10 minutes of your time.

Kindly let me know the best day and time.

Thank you.

Christine Fuller

Free Janitorial estimate

Good Morning

My name is Christine Fuller from Perfect Janitorial Solutions Company. We specialize in cleaning and sanitization of offices & commercial spaces. We take pride in delivering exemplary janitorial services for an affordable rate. We are certified for quality by the cleaning management institute. We would like to provide you a free estimate for your facility.

 If you are available sometimes this week or next week we can set an appointment with you and we only require a brief 10 minutes of your time.

Kindly let me know the best day and time.

Thank you.

Christine Fuller

Thursday, November 24, 2022



This is Qiu from Osphare LLC

We are Import buying agent which is based in United States.

We have inquiry regarding you product and we are ready to place a trial order.

Could you kindly send us your price list and payment terms.

Waiting for your timely reply

Best Regards

Qiu Zhong

Osphare LLC

Add: 722 E. Market St. Suite 102 PMB C26 Leesburg, VA 20176-4475

Tel: (703) 727-4406

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Cleaning Estimate

I hope this email finds you well,

I am reaching out to see if you or someone in your firm is open to receiving a complimentary, no obligation quote for janitorial services. 

During these unprecedented times, Townsend & Styer Maintenance Co. has been instrumental in maintaining a clean and disinfected facility for businesses throughout the Bay Area.  Our crews have been trained with the latest EPA and CDC guidelines and recommendations in order to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date cleaning procedures.  Continuous disinfecting of high-touch areas with a certified solution assists in the prevention of the current virus outbreak. 

These practices include, but are not limited, to the following:

- Use of proper face masks, gloves, and EPA certified approved chemical disinfectants
- Maintenance of proper social distancing when cleaning in teams
- Suggestions for our client base to implement safe working practices

 We value our clients and appreciate the trust they place in us. In return, we let the quality of our work speak for itself. We understand that first impressions are key in helping a business succeed, which is why our highly trained professionals go above and beyond to exceed expectations. We are recognized as a leading provider of commercial buildings and office cleaning services for the reason that our workforce comprises of only the most skilled cleaning professionals, who are properly trained for commercial cleaning services and keep good track record in their work arena.
Please let me know when the best time to meet might be, and we will coordinate schedules.

 Townsend & Styer Maintenance is a Green Certified provider of janitorial services throughout the Bay Area.  We have been in operation for over 20 years, based on the core principals of providing a high level of service, a consistent service, and an economically fair service.  We accomplish this through trained personnel, a proactive approach, and never taking any of our clients for granted.

Thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Matthew C. Townsend
Townsend & Styer Maintenance Co., LLC

1601 North California, Blvd Suite 250, Walnut Creek, CA 94596

T&S Maintenance is part of the US Green Building Association.


Opt out Click here

Monday, November 14, 2022

ACCOUNT WARNING: Undelivered mails Kindly rectify



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You have [12] undelivered mails on 11/13/2022 This was caused due to a system delay, Rectify Below:

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Product:  WebMail 

Thursday, November 3, 2022


Head Officer-in-Charge, and Administrative Service Inspection Unit
Manager United Nations Inspection Agency in Harts-field Jackson
International Airport Atlanta, Georgia.

During our investigation, I discovered An abandoned shipment through a
Diplomat from United Kingdom which was transferred from JF Kennedy
Airport to our facility here in Atlanta, The two consignment boxes is
worth $8 million,And I Ascertain you that the consignment is in your
name,you are advise to provide Clearance and yellow tag certificate
for claim.

Send your full information. Your Name, Address, Passport and your
Phone Number for the approval of your consignment delivery.

Best Regards
Mr. D. Morris
Head Officer-in-Charge

Monday, October 24, 2022

guten Tag

1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, Ca 94025
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Lieber WhatsApp-Nutzer:

Hiermit möchten wir Sie darüber informieren, dass Ihre Mobiltelefonnummer unter den glücklichen Gewinnern des WhatsApp Global Awards-Programms ausgewählt wurde.
Dies ist ein globales Auszeichnungsprogramm für die Förderung von WhatsApp-Internetdiensten, alle Teilnehmer wurden zufällig aus weltweiten WhatsApp-Handynummernverzeichnissen ausgewählt, und Ihre WhatsApp-Nummer erscheint im System unter den glücklichen Gewinnern.
Sie haben die Summe von (900.600,00 USD) Neunhunderttausendsechshundert US-Dollar erhalten. für das Global Awards-Programm 2022.

Sie müssen die erforderlichen Informationen so schnell wie möglich bereitstellen, damit die zahlende Bank Ihre Zahlung verarbeiten und veranlassen kann.

Vollständiger Name:
Das Alter:

HINWEIS!!! Senden Sie die erforderlichen Informationen zur Überprüfung und Zahlung an die offizielle E-Mail-Adresse (

Aus Sicherheitsgründen raten wir allen Gewinnern, diese Informationen vor der Öffentlichkeit geheim zu halten, bis Ihr Geldpreis bearbeitet wurde und Ihr
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Wir gratulieren Ihnen noch einmal ganz herzlich.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Herzliche Glückwünsche

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, lieber Begünstigter

Mein Name ist Dietrich Mateschitz, ein österreichischer Wirtschaftsmagnat, Investor und Philanthrop. Ich bin einer der erfolgreichsten Investoren in A. Ich glaube fest daran, während des Lebens zu geben.'
Ich habe beschlossen, {3.500.000,00 €} drei Millionen fünfhunderttausend Euro an zufällig ausgewählte Personen weltweit zu spenden. Nach Erhalt dieser E-Mail sollten Sie sich zu den Glücklichen zählen, da Ihre E-Mail-Adresse bei einer zufälligen Online-Suche ausgewählt wurde. Bitte melden Sie sich so bald wie möglich bei mir, bevor ich zu meiner Behandlung nach Großbritannien reise, damit ich weiß, dass Ihre E-Mail-Adresse gültig ist. (

Vielen Dank, dass Sie unser Angebot angenommen haben. Wir sind Ihnen in der Tat dankbar. Sie können meinen Namen für weitere Informationen googeln:
Dietrich_Mateschitz ODER Überprüfen Sie meine Wikipedia-Seite

Gott segne dich.
Mit bestem Gruß
Herr Dietrich Mateschitz Milliardär Investor

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Very genuine loan at 3% rate 05-10-2022

Are you looking for a very genuine loan at an affordable interest rate of 3% process and approved within 72 hrs? Have you been turned down Constantly by your Banks and other financial institutions because of bad credit? Loans ranging from $5000 USD to $50,000, 000 USD maximum LOANS for Developing business a competitive edge / business expansion. We are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, Fast and dynamic for real estate and any kinds of business financing. Contact us for more details and information.
Thanks & Regard

Finance Pvt Ltd

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Monday, October 3, 2022


Ich habe einen Charity-Fonds im Wert von €4,200,000,00 für Sie. Diese Spende ist für die ersten 5 Personen, die auf diese E-Mail antworten Email ( )

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Admin: Waiting for your response

Name: Mr. Rocco Domenico Address: Via Pomezia, 10, 00183 Roma Italy. Hello I have a proposal for you. Kindly get back to me for details. God bless you. Mr. Rocco Domenico

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

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Sunday, September 11, 2022

twitter video indirme işlemi nasıl yapılır

Twitter insanların güncellemeleri fotoğrafları ve videoları birbirleriyle paylaşmasına olanak tanıyan bir toplumsal ağ ve mikro blog hizmetidir. İnsanlar Twitter'ı başkalarıyla yazışma kurmak haberlere erişmek ürün ve hizmetlerin reklamını yapmak sual sormak insanların bloglarına yorum göndermek ve hayli daha fazlası için kullanır. Twitter'ın sosyal doğası çabuk durum ikazları veya bilgilendirme videoları şeklinde mühim güncellemeleri hızla yaymada bilhassa müessir olmasını sağlar. Sonuç olarak birçok pozitif yanlarından istifade etmek istiyorsanız Twitter'ı video kovuşturmak için iyi mi kullanacağınızı anlamanız hayli önemlidir. Çoğu insan Twitter'ı mobil cihazlarından kullanır; buna zeki telefonlar tabletler ve dizüstü bilgisayarlar dahildir. Video içerik Twitter üstünden en hayli paylaşılan içerik türlerinden biridir. Bunun nedeni Twitter'ın en iyi biçimde videolara hızla erişip paylaşabileceğiniz mobil cihaz larda kullanılmasıdır. Videolar süratli yüklendiği ve sessiz bir ekranda izlenebildiği için bilhassa yavaş web rabıtalarında kullanışlıdır. ayrıca bir mobil cihaz kullanıyorsanız videolara göz atarken de ses dinleyebilirsiniz. Bu video içeriğini sesle uğraşmadan hızlı ve verimli bir halde tüketmeyi kolaylaştırır. Twitter'dan video indirmek için mobil aletinızdan siteye iyi mi erişeceğinizi bilmeniz gerekir. Mobil tarayıcınızı açın ve'a gidin. Site yüklendiğinde kameranın yerleştirilmesi ihtiyaç duyulan resme tıklayın; bu videoları veya ses akışlarını seçebileceğiniz bir menü açacaktır. Oradan video seçeneğini seçin ve indirme işleminin başlamasını bekleyin. Dosyanın indirilmesi tamamlandıktan ondan sonra videoyu hemen izleyebilir veya video oynatmayı destekleyen bir web rabıtasına bağlanana kadar bekleyebilirsiniz. ek olarak çevrimiçi olduğunuzda oynatmak için her zaman hazır olmak için aletinızd a aynı anda birden fazla indirme tutabilirsiniz. Twitter'dan video indirmenin başka bir yolu da hesap ayarları sayfanızdır. Bu sayfaya erişirken 'Videoları indir' etiketli bir seçenek arayın. Bu seçeneği seçin ve 'Video' altındaki açılır listeden video seçeneğini seçin. İstediğiniz dosya biçimini (.mp4 yada .flv benzer biçimde) seçin ve 'İndir'i tıklayın. Dosyanız indirildikten hemen sonra bir medya oynatıcı uygulaması vesilesiyle veya 'Videoyu görüntüle' altındaki bağlantıya dokunarak doğrudan aletinızın ekranında oynatabilirsiniz. Daha ilkin belirtildiği şeklinde Twitter'ın video arasında ne olduğu en sık şöyle paylaşılır: mobil cihazlar- şu demek oluyor ki Twitter'dan iyi mi video indirileceğini bilmek mobil cihazlarda içerik tüketmek için fazlaca önemlidir. Yavaş web bağlantılarında videolara süratli bir şekilde yetişebilmek onları hem kullanıcılar aynı zamanda reklamcılar için fazlaca daha keyifli hale getir iyor. ek olarak eski telefonları olan kullanıcılar YouTube'un eski Abraham Lincoln Kanalları özelliğine benzer bir tesis vesilesiyle arşivlenmiş videoları dinleyebilir. genel hatlarıyla video imajleme için Twitter'ın nasıl kullanılacağını idrak etmek herhangi bir kullanıcı için fazlaca önemlidir! 3HWxIrhsvr
twitter video indir

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Spende an Sie

Ich bin Nicolas Berggruen aus Deutschland und verteile Investitions-/Spendengelder in Höhe von 17.500.000 EUR an jeweils fünf Europäer, um Geschäftsleute, Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen zu unterstützen. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass so viele Unternehmen und Privatpersonen finanzielle Unterstützung, Geschäftskredit, Projektkredit benötigen, dass man bei dieser Spende/Investitionsgeldern keinen Bankkredit mehr suchen muss. Kontaktieren Sie mich für weitere Details.

Danke schön
Nikolaus Berggruen
Geschäftsführer/ Berggruen Holdings

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich bei Teresa-Lynn-Mega-Millions angemeldet haben! Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass heute der Hauptpreis in Höhe von $999.000,00 zu gewinnen ist! Kontaktieren Sie die untenstehende E-Mail-Adresse, um herauszufinden, ob Sie gewonnen haben! E-MAIL:

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Speed Steel Industries needs company representative in your region, reply for more details

Monday, September 5, 2022

Online Payment ...

Dear Fund owner,
We want to inform you that the International Monetary Fund authorized our
bank to release your overdue contract inheritance payment fund amounted
$2.5MUSD to you, Though the fund originated from Europe but from all the
indications, the people in charge of your payment failed woefully to release
your fund to you after all your effort to claim it thus, The IMF and UN
decided to hand your fund over to our bank here in the United State Of
America (IDL cooperative bank) so it can be paid to you via bank to bank
wire transfer or online banking depending the method of payment preferable
to you.
You are hereby warned to stop whatever communications you are having with
group of persons or person in regards to your fund because they will
continue to demand money from you with no fruition.
Get back to us immediately for more directives on the informations we shall
be needing from you so your fund can be released to you via bank to bank
wire payment or online banking which will enable you to access your fund and
also transfer it from your online account to any bank account of your
Make your reply to **********
Mr James S. Baker
Head of Banking Operations.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Ich bin Nicolas Berggruen aus Deutschland, ich verteile Investitions-/Spendengelder in Höhe von 17.500.000 EUR an jeweils fünf Europäer, um Geschäftsleute, Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen zu unterstützen. Bei meinem letzten Besuch in Europa vor Kriegsbeginn ist mir aufgefallen, dass so viele Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen finanzielle Unterstützung, Geschäftskredite, Projektkredite benötigen, sodass Sie mit dieser Spende/Investitionsgeldern keine Bankkredite mehr suchen müssen. Melden Sie sich für weitere Details bei mir.

Vielen Dank
Nicolas Berggruen
Geschäftsführer/ Berggruen Holdings

Wednesday, August 31, 2022


[Caution: This email originated outside Sheldon ISD. DO NOT click links, provide credentials or open attachments unless you validate the sender and know the content is safe.]

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. DO NOT click links, provide credentials or open attachments unless you validate the sender and know the content is safe.

Please,I wish to seek your consent as the beneficiary to my late client account.



[Caution: This email originated outside Sheldon ISD. DO NOT click links, provide credentials or open attachments unless you validate the sender and know the content is safe.]

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. DO NOT click links, provide credentials or open attachments unless you validate the sender and know the content is safe.

Please,I wish to seek your consent as the beneficiary to my late client account.


Saturday, August 27, 2022

1,500,000.00 pounds


Our Names are Frances and Patrick Connolly We Just Won 115 Million
Pounds from the EuroMillions lottery, We are therefore giving out
Grant donation of 1,500,000.00 pounds each to (50) have be
listed for claim of 1,500,000.00 pounds to you Reply for more details.

Kindly send us the below details.

Full Name:
Mobile No:

Congratulation to You.
Frances & Patrick Connolly

Thursday, August 25, 2022

What is the best water filtration at home?

What sort of water filter is extremely best?
Reverse osmosis filters are top of the line for removing a large percentage of contaminants from the water, potentially including dangerous waterborne bacteria. The filters work by pushing water through the reverse osmosis membrane using pressure.
What is the healthiest filtered water to imbibe?
Best Overall: APEC ROES-50 Reverse Osmosis System Coupled with typical lead and other heavy metals, bacteria, and chlorine, this removes approximately 1,000 different unwanted contaminants from the water. This filtering system uses five separate stages of filtering to remove 99 percent of contaminants.
What water filter is ideal for taste?
Best Overall: APEC Water Systems ROES-50 Essence Series Top Tier 5-Stage Certified Ultra Safe Reverse Osmosis Drinking Purification System.
Which water filter removes the most impurities?
Reverse osmosis systems are some of the finest options for your water. The Reverse osmosis system within 4 stage design is a design that will help you remove the most of contaminants on a water.
What is the best ways to filter water at home?
Boiling. Heating water at a rolling boil for 1 minute makes it safe to drink. Tablets or drops. UV treatment. Activated outdoor cooking with charcoal. Travel-size sediment filters. DIY portable sediment filters. Fruit peel filters.
Should I filter bottled water?
Filter water against. bottled water. Although both filtered water and bottled water can provide healthier, better-tasting water, the cost-effectiveness and smaller environmental impact of filtered water is better than bottled water each and every turn.
Should you filter tap water?
Unlike metals, they pass through the filter because these don't bind to your carbon. That said, dissolved minerals in water aren't necessarily hazardous and most tap water had been treated to remove bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. So, it's not often big deal whether or not this stuff slips all the way through.
Is filtered water better than plain faucet water?
In conclusion, filtered water is better for your health. A quality water filter independently tested for that type of plain tap water in your household will reduce risk and thus have likely long term health benefits.
Can water filters cause health topics?
These chemicals carry serious health risks for humans, including kidney cancer and thyroid disease. However in a study of 89 different filters, even the most-effective filters do not appear to fully remove these toxic substances, the results suggest.
Is zero water or Brita more exciting?
The Brita earns a Very Good rating for flavor and odor reduction, meaning it filters out all smells but may leave minimal off-tastes. The ZeroWater pitcher receives only a Good rating; it removes odors but not the metallic desire. When it comes to flavor and odor reduction, Brita discharges out on top.
Which is better Brita or PUR?
However, during our taste tests and TDS tests Brita performed notably more appropriate. Both Brita & PUR offer a variety of pitcher sizes and people. If you have a wider regarding contaminants you should remove PUR is the greater choice, but for most consumers, Brita is ideal.
Are Brita filters actually good?
How well do Brita filters purpose? Brita claims that its products can remove considerably as 99% of certain water contaminants, regarding lead. A 2020 study found that carbon filters which many Brita filters use effectively reduced lead contamination in water to safe height.
How do you purify city water?
Boiling is sufficient to kill pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa (WHO, 2015). If water is cloudy, allow it to go settle and filter it through a clean cloth, paperboiling water towel, or coffee filter. Bring water using a rolling boil for you should minute.
Can you purify water naturally?
Soil filters water naturally by physically removing large debris and particles as water percolates down along with the soil layers, according to Michigan State university. Bacteria and microorganisms in the soil further purify water by breaking down chemicals and contaminants.
What do water filters not remove?
It will not remove micro organisms. To remove naturally occurring or disinfection tastes and odours from water an activated carbon filter a lot more appropriate. Investment decision you won't remove harmful bacteria. To remove chemicals and bacteria, a reverse osmosis or distiller system potential required.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Re:Rood Day...


Glad to connect through this medium. I know it’s an unconventional way of reaching out to you but it’s for a good cause . I am glad we can share opinions and ideas . I work with one of the top research and analysis pharmaceutical companies here in the UK. I have a business proposal with a very good profit to be made which I’m sure will interest you . I hope to receive your reply so I can send you details in full . I believe it will interest you, my friend.

Davis Jesse


Monday, August 15, 2022



Glad to connect through this medium. I know it’s an unconventional way of reaching out to you but it’s for a good cause .I work with one of the top research and analysis pharmaceutical companies here in the UK. I have a business proposal with a very good profit to be made which I’m sure will interest you . I hope to receive your reply so I can send you details in full .


Davis Jesse

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Notice of Delivery


You have been awarded a compensation sum of USD 500,000.00 through an Automated Teller Machine Card. Please reply for more information on delivery.

Yours Sincere,
Andrea Jefferson
Dispatch Officer

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Notice of Delivery


You have been awarded a compensation sum of USD 500,000.00 through an Automated Teller Machine Card. Please reply for more information on delivery.

Yours Sincere,
Andrea Jefferson
Dispatch Officer

Monday, August 1, 2022


Ist diese E-Mail-Adresse aktiv? Wir haben Ihnen vorhin eine Nachricht bezüglich gesendet
die Inanspruchnahme Ihrer Spende in Höhe von 2,8 Millionen Euro. Bitte bestätige deine Email
und kontaktieren Sie uns per E Mail
Is this email address active? We sent you a message earlier regarding the claiming of your €2.8 million donation. Please confirm your email and contact us by email

Best Regard
Mrs. Lerynne West

Monday, July 25, 2022


Contact Barrister Serena Garrison.
Tel: +1 (302) 408-0767
Address: 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543. USA.

Kindly follow her advice for your payment services. Congratulations!

Hon. Scott A. Nathan.
Chief Executive Officer
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation

Friday, July 22, 2022


Dear Winner,

This is to inform you that you have been selected for a prize of a brand
new 2022 BMW X3 and a Check of One Million Five Hundred Thousand United
State Dollars ($1,500,000.00) and an Apple laptop from the international
balloting programs held on the 1st section in the UNITED STATE OF
AMERICA. The selection process was carried out through random selection
in our computerized email selection system (ESS) from a database of over
500,000 email addresses drawn from all the continents of the world which
you were selected. However, no tickets were sold but all email addresses
were assigned to different ticket numbers for representation and

The BMW Lottery is approved by the United States Gaming Board and also
Licensed by the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR).
To begin the processing of your prize you are to contact our fiduciary
claims department for more information as regards procedures to the
claim of your prize.


Contact him by providing him with your secret pin code Number
You are also advised to provide him with the under listed information as
soon as possible:

1. Name In Full 2. Residential 3. Nationality
4. Age : 5. Sex : 6. Occupation 7. Direct Phone
8. Present Country 9. Email address
10. pin code Number BMW:245125HGDY03/23.

We are Sorry if you found this email in your spam folder. Please, you
are to provide him with the above details as soon as possible so he can
begin with the processing of your prize winnings.
Congratulations once again from all our staff and thank you for being
part of our promotional program.

Mrs.Rebecca Eric



Dear Fund owner,

We want to inform you that the International Monetary Fund authorized our bank to release your overdue contract inheritance payment fund amounted $2.5MUSD to you, Though the fund originated from Europe but from all the indications, the people in charge of your payment failed woefully to release your fund to you after all your effort to claim it thus, The IMF and UN decided to hand your fund over to our bank here in the United State Of America (IDL cooperative bank) so it can be paid to you via bank to bank wire transfer or online banking depending the method of payment preferable to you.

You are hereby warned to stop whatever communications you are having with group of persons or person in regards to your fund because they will continue to demand money from you with no fruition.

Get back to us immediately for more directives on the informations we shall be needing from you so your fund can be released to you via bank to bank wire payment or online banking which will enable you to access your fund and also transfer it from your online account to any bank account of your choice.

Make your reply to **********


Managing Director, Banking
IDL cooperative Bank.


Dear Fund owner,

We want to inform you that the International Monetary Fund authorized our bank to release your overdue contract inheritance payment fund amounted $2.5MUSD to you, Though the fund originated from Europe but from all the indications, the people in charge of your payment failed woefully to release your fund to you after all your effort to claim it thus, The IMF and UN decided to hand your fund over to our bank here in the United State Of America (IDL cooperative bank) so it can be paid to you via bank to bank wire transfer or online banking depending the method of payment preferable to you.

You are hereby warned to stop whatever communications you are having with group of persons or person in regards to your fund because they will continue to demand money from you with no fruition.

Get back to us immediately for more directives on the informations we shall be needing from you so your fund can be released to you via bank to bank wire payment or online banking which will enable you to access your fund and also transfer it from your online account to any bank account of your choice.

Make your reply to **********


Managing Director, Banking
IDL cooperative Bank.

Sunday, July 17, 2022


Es ist mir eine Freude, Ihnen auf dieser Plattform zu schreiben. Ich
habe einen Spendenvorschlag und möchte Sie fragen, ob Sie daran
interessiert sind, da er für Sie von großem Nutzen ist. Bitte bekunden
Sie Ihr Interesse für nähere Informationen.

Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler

Monday, July 11, 2022

Sanctions on Russians


I hope you are having a great week! I am Mr. Viktor an investor and a director with Gazprom Russia. Considering the current economic sanctions melted on Russians by some European countries and the United States of America which are seriously affecting us now, I'm soliciting for your consent to transfer the sum of (US$160M) investment funds deposited with a European bank into your personal bank account for investment and also to escape confiscation by the U.S. government and the European Union.

Please respond back for more details.

Mr. Viktor Zubkov
Chairman of the board of directors Gazprom

Sunday, July 10, 2022


Sehr geehrter E-Mail-Begünstigter, Sie haben eine Spende in Höhe von 3.500.000,00 USD von Scott Godfrey erhalten, der im Oktober eine Powerball-Lotterie in Höhe von 699,8 Millionen USD gewonnen hat. Kontaktieren Sie uns für weitere Informationen darüber, wie Sie Ihre Spende erhalten können. Vielen Dank!

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Re: A special donation

A special donation was made to you and your family. Contact ( ) for info..

Somos responsables por la protección del Medio Ambiente.
Antes de Imprimir este mail confirme que sea necesario. Gracias

"Cláusula de Confidencialidad: La información contenida en el presente mensaje es confidencial, esta dirigida exclusivamente a su destinatario y no puede ser vinculante. El INEC no se responsabiliza por su uso y deja expresa constancia que en los registros de la Institución consta la información originalmente enviada. Este mensaje esta protegido por la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, Ley de Comercio Electrónico, Firmas y Mensajes de datos, reglamentos y acuerdos internacionales relacionados. Si usted no es el destinatario de este mensaje, recomendamos su eliminación inmediata. La distribución o copia del mismo, esta prohibida y sera sancionada de acuerdo al Código Penal y demás normas aplicables. La transmisión de información por correo electrónico, no garantiza que la misma sea segura o este libre de error, por consiguiente, se recomienda su verificación. Toda solicitud de información requerida de manera oficial al INEC debe ser ingresada por Archivo General y dirigida a la máxima autoridad de la Institución, conforme a la Ley y demás normas vigentes."

Saturday, July 2, 2022

From Steven Heung

I hope this note finds you well. I’m involved in funds and assets management and simply wanted to inquire as to whether you would be open to hearing about this opportunity. If not, I wish you the best and apologies for any inconvenience. If so, I can be reached on my personal email:

From Steven Heung

I hope this note finds you well. I’m involved in funds and assets management and simply wanted to inquire as to whether you would be open to hearing about this opportunity. If not, I wish you the best and apologies for any inconvenience. If so, I can be reached on my personal email:

Geschäftsvorschlag für Sie

Mein Name ist Chen Chung, ich bin leitender Angestellter bei einer öffentlichen Bank hier in der Wing Hang Bank, Hongkong, und ich habe 18.991.674 USD. die ich aus dem Land ziehen möchte. Ich brauche einen guten Partner, jemanden, dem ich vertrauen kann. Es ist risikofrei und legal.Antworten Sie auf meine E-Mail: für weitere Informationen: Herr Chen Chung


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Re: Hello

Hello, my name is Elizabeth Brown. I would like very much to be your friend and get to know each other better. It takes two to tango and make a trial of friendship. So if you don't mind. I would like to know more about you. And I am sending this picture of myself. I would appreciate to get a reply from you and tell me more about yourself and some of your photos too. I'm an honest, passionate, caring, understanding and faithful woman. I look forward to your reply and you can respond to me directly in my personal email.

Friday, June 17, 2022

AW: Unser Telefonat

Hallo, ich grüße dich ganz herzlich.

Wie versprochen erhältst du hier alle weiteren Informationen:




Herzliche Grüße 

Carlos Santos & Team





Diese eMail ist vertraulich und nur für den Besitzer dieser eMail Adresse bestimmt. Sie erhalten diese eMail weil Sie entweder an einer Umfrage, einem Gewinnspiel teilgenommen oder sich in unseren Newsletter eingetragen haben. Wenn Sie keine eMails mehr empfangen möchten, klicken Sie auf diesen Link:




Wednesday, June 15, 2022


Dear Good Friend

I am Dr.Ken Obiorah, a Chartered accountant by profession working with the Federal Ministry Of Agriculture in Nigeria. Perhaps you might be wondering why you have received this mail, but I can assure you that at the end, we both will be having discussion as to whatever profitable business(es) we should invest our respective share(s) in. I was assigned by two of my colleagues to seek for a foreign partner who will assist us in providing a convenient foreign account in any designated bank abroad for a transfer of US$52,750,000.00 pending on our arrival in your country for utilization and disbursement with the owner of the account.

This amount results from a deliberate inflation of the value of a contract awarded by our Ministry (The Federal Ministry of Agriculture, F.M.A) to an expatriate company who supplied Agricultural equipment to the Ministry. The contract has been executed and payment made to the ORIGINAL contractor, remaining the over-invoiced amount of US$52,750,000.00.which we want to transfer the fund out of the country for disbursement among ourselves (i.e You being the foreign counterpart, I and my other two colleagues). The transfer of this money can only be possible with your help being a foreigner who will be presented as the beneficiary of the fund.

As Civil servants, we are not allowed to operate foreign accounts, and this is the reason why I decided to contact you. We have agreed that if you/your company can act as the beneficiary of this fund (US$52,750,000.00 million), 15% of the total sum will be for you for assisting us from start to finish in this venture while 85% will be reserved for us.

We hereby solicit for your assistance in providing your convenient banking coordinate in a designated bank in your country where this fund would be transferred. We intend coming over on the completion of this transfer to secure our own share of the money.

Please note that we have been careful and have made all arrangements towards the success and smooth transfer of the fund to your account before I contacted you. For security reasons and confidentiality of this transaction, we demand that you should not expose this proposal and the entire transaction to anybody.

We are putting so much trust in you with the hope that you would not betray us or sit on this money when it is finally transferred into your account. Be rest assured that this transaction is 100% risk free. If this proposal is acceptable by you, indicate your interest by sending your response via an email to me including your working cellphone number.

Note that the particular nature of your company's business is not necessary needed for this transaction. if this transaction interests you, your urgent response will be appreciated.

In addition, there are some faceless beings in my country that are making use of top government official names to swindle money from innocent citizens around the globe and that includes my name. You can confirm by searching the name of our Central Bank of Nigeria Governor in person of Godwin Emefiele; you will see that his name is part of the scam list meanwhile we are innocent officials completely unaware of the situation happening of which after utilizing their names and profile, they will have uploaded on the internet in order to ruin their reputation making the citizens believe that the officials are corrupt.

Yours faithfully,

Dr.Ken Obiorah.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022


Congratulations, your email account was selected for a donation of 2,800,000.00Euro to charity. Contact us for more information.

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You have six messages still pending to be delivered to your inbox since Wednesday, June 1st, 2022.


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  ⚠️ FW: Invoice copy AWB No. 325-2322     To:      01/06/2022
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Congratulations, your email account was selected for a donation of 2,800,000.00Euro to charity. Contact us for more information.

Monday, May 30, 2022


Hi Rob Hoffman, As requested, we have now deposited 19 BTC which amount to ($583,027.73 USD) into your bitcoin portfolio at

Customer Id: 43789495
Customer Password: TGG3423TG

Thursday, May 26, 2022


We wish to inform you that you are listed a winner for a grand prize of (Eight hundred & fifty thousand dollars in our PCH (email) win draws
please respond for collection.
You are to respond with the Following details below
Full Name__
Phone Number____
Thanks & Regards
Miss. Teri Hatcher
Publishers Clearing House
NY, United States

Monday, May 23, 2022



Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Please get back to me.....


How are you? I'm a Research Assistant of the Research and Development Department working with a UK Laboratories, One of the leading Bio Pharmaceutical Companies in England. I'm looking for a reliable business/individual in your region to represent my company in sourcing some of our basic raw material used in the manufacturing of high quality Anti-Viral Vaccines, Cancer treatment and other lifesaving Pharmaceutical Products.

This may not be your specialization but it will be another income generating business out of your specialty. This is because Our company is yet to locate any seller to buy from, however, I have been able to discover a local dealer who can supply us with this product. He is selling at a cheap rate, which is far cheaper than our previous purchases.

My director is not yet aware that I have found a new seller. I want you to stand in as a new local dealer from your country and I will introduce you to our company. The reason for this is because I don't want my company to have direct contact with the local agent that sells this herbal oil extract very cheap.

This will enable us to work together as partners and make real cool profits. You as the local seller will supply our company at a good rate which I will inform you later when we are in agreement and This will attract the attention of our company director to buy from you as against the previous rate . You will be amazed with our total profit .

I will give you more specific profit details when I receive feedback from you if you are interested.

Best Regard

David whyte
Research Assistant
Research and Development Department

Friday, May 13, 2022

Félicitation, vous possédez un don


Vous avez gagné un don de 2 millions d'euros

Voici votre code de don : [FPC430342022]

Répondez à cet e-mail avec le code de don :

Les salutations

Frances et Patrick Connolly

Sunday, May 8, 2022


Dear Friend,

With much sincerity of heart, I write to inform you about a business proposal I have which I would like to handle with you. $85.786 million USD is involved. Be rest assured that everything is legal and risk free as I have concluded all the arrangements and the legal papers that will back the transaction up. Kindly indicate your interest so as to enable me give you more details of the proposal.

Waiting for your urgent response.

Yours faithfully,

Dr.Richard Ifediorah
Assistant Director, Crude Oil Marketing Division (COMD)


Ich bin Susanne Klatten und komme aus Deutschland, ich kann Ihre finanziellen Probleme ohne Rückgriff auf Banken im Bereich Kreditgeld in den Griff bekommen. Wir bieten Privatkredite und Geschäftskredite an, ich bin ein zugelassener und zertifizierter Kreditgeber mit jahrelanger Erfahrung in der Kreditvergabe und wir vergeben besicherte und nicht besicherte Kreditbeträge von 5.000,00 bis maximal 5,000,000,00 mit einem festen Zinssatz von 3% jährlich. Brauchen Sie einen Kredit? Senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an:

Sie können auch meinen Link anzeigen und mehr über mich erfahren.

Susanne Klatten.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Re:Please get back to me .

Hello ,

How are you? I'm a Research Assistant of the Research and Development Department working with a UK Laboratories, One of the leading Bio Pharmaceutical Companies in England. I'm looking for a reliable business/individual in your region to represent my company in sourcing some of our basic raw material used in the manufacturing of high quality Anti-Viral Vaccines, Cancer treatment and other lifesaving Pharmaceutical Products.

This may not be your specialization but it will be another income generating business out of your specialty. This is because Our company is yet to locate any seller to buy from, however, I have been able to discover a local dealer who can supply us with this product. He is selling at a cheap rate, which is far cheaper than our previous purchases.

My director is not yet aware that I have found a new seller. I want you to stand in as a new local dealer from your country and I will introduce you to our company. The reason for this is because I don't want my company to have direct contact with the local agent that sells this herbal oil extract very cheap.

This will enable us to work together as partners and make real cool profits. You as the local seller will supply our company at a good rate which I will inform you later when we are in agreement and This will attract the attention of our company director to buy from you as against the previous rate . You will be amazed with our total profit .

I will give you more specific profit details when I receive feedback from you if you are interested.

Best Regard

David whyte
Research Assistant
Research and Development Department