Friday, October 30, 2020


Greetings. My name is Cpt Francisco Aleixo, a Brazilian and officer of the US Army under NATO coalition forces in Syria ,I am presently serving in Syria. I have a business proposal for you which is worth a substantial amount and will save lives around the globe , I would be glad to receive your acknowledgement of this email so I can furnish you more with details of my proposal for your consideration. Please send your reply to my private email at: Please give me the opportunity to explain to you in detail what the business is all about by replying back to my private email as stated above. Note: You have the right to quit by the end of my detailed explanation and you don't feel like moving forward with me. But Trust me, you won't regret it. let me get feedback from you to enable us to discuss more about this. Regards. Cpt. Francisco Aleixo

Re: Confidential PropOsition

From: Mr. Frank Raymond
Auditor General,
Smith & Williamson Holdings Limited
London, United Kingdom.

Dear Friend,

I am Mr. Frank Raymond, the Auditor General, Smith & Williamson Holdings Limited, United Kingdom. In the course of my auditing, I discovered a floating fund in an account, which was opened in 1990 belonging to a dead foreigner who died in 1999. I have been able to contact the Late account holder's attorney; but every effort made to track any member of his family or next of kin has since failed hence I got in contact with you to stand as his next of kin since you bear the same last name. He died leaving no heir or a will. Since his attorney is aware, you will contact his attorney since he has all the legal documents backing the fund.

My intention is to transfer this sum of Five Million, Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars only, in the aforementioned account to a safe account overseas. I am therefore proposing that you quietly partner with me and provide an account or set up a new one that will serve the purpose of receiving this fund. For your assistance in this venture, I am ready to part with a good percentage of the entire funds. We will share the funds in the proportion of 60% for you, 10% for the attorney, 20% for me and 10% will be donated to Charitable Organizations. After going through the deceased person's records and files, I discovered that:

(1) No one has operated this account since 1999.
(2) He died without an heir; hence the money has been floating.
(3) No other person knows about this account apart from the attorney and there was no known beneficiary. That is why every process has to go through the attorney.

If I do not remmit this money urgently, it would be forfeited and subsequently converted to company's funds, which will benefit only the directors of my firm. This money can be approved to you legally as with all the necessary documentary approvals in your name. However, you would be required to show some proof of claim, which the attorney will provide you with and also guide you on how to make your applications.

Please do give me a reply so that I can send you detailed information on the modalities of my proposition. I completely trust you to keep this proposition absolutely confidential, I look forward to your prompt response.

Best Regards,

Mr. Frank Raymond
Auditor General,
Smith & Williamson Holdings Limited,
London, United Kingdom.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Dies ist der richtige Zeitpunkt dafür!


BOOM! Bitcoins steigen wie der Himmel!
Der richtige Zeitpunkt, um zu investieren und Ihre Lieblings-Star-Story darüber zu überprüfen.

Klicken Sie hier, um sein Interview zu überprüfen.

HINWEIS: Wir erstatten, wenn Sie nicht in der Lage sind, innerhalb von 3 Tagen Geld zu verdienen.



Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Votre banderole de 3 a 6 m avec création inclus

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offre valable jusqu'au 30 Novembre


Impressions Banderoles Grand Format

Banderole économique laminée PVC souple 450 Gr en impression eco-solvant qualité photo avec oeillets tous les 50 cm et ourlet sur tout le pourtour inclus.

La banderole de 300x100 cm = 39.60 EUR HT*
La banderole de 400x100 cm == 52.80 EUR HT*
La banderole de 500x100 cm = 66.00 EUR HT*
La banderole de 600x100 cm = 79.20 EUR HT**

Tous nos services infographies sont inclus
(Photo et texte fournis par le client)
SANS RISQUE = je ne paye que si j'approuve le bon à tirer
* Emballage et transport non inclus

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Vous recevez ce mail d'information car vous êtes enregistré sur notre base.
Conformément à l'article de loi du 06/01/1978, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification des données nominatives vous concernant.
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Friday, October 23, 2020

Joseph Zadari.


This funds are already in Canada ready for investment.

My name is Joseph Zadari and it happen to be the first child of Chief James Zadari a rich and famous man who died sometime in 2018, I am 18 years old, after his death we discovered he had large sum of money $145 Million Dollars (One hundred and forty five million dollars) in a bank in CANADA now we have been able to have access to this bank but i cannot collect this money until when i am 25years old but can get someone who will be able to receive this money for investment and help us to build our lives again,This is strictly bank to bank transaction

I will be very glad if you can accept this offer as we will work together to achieve success

Please kindly respond to for more details.Looking forward to hearing from you


Joseph Zadari.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

RE: did you get my previous email

At $499 are you interested to do Email Marketing Campaign with analytical report to any of the following databases?

  1. CEO, owner, President and COO email list
  2. CFO, Controller, VP/Director/Manager of Finance, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Audit email list
  3. Physicians, Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Therapists email list
  4. Chief Human Resources Officer, VP/Director/Manager of HR, Employee Benefits, Employee Communications, Employee Compensation, Employee Engagement, Employee Experience and Employee Relations, Talent Acquisition, Talent Development, Talent Management, Recruiting email list
  5. CIO,CTO, CISO, VP/Director/Manager of IT, IT Compliance, IT Risk, BI, Cloud, Database and IT Security email list
  6. CMO, VP/Director/Manager of Marketing, social media, Sales, demand generation, Lead generation, inside sales, Marketing Communications email list
  7. Compliance and Risk Management email list
  8. CPA and Bookkeepers email list
  9. Data Analytics and Database Administrators email list
  10. Disaster Recovery email list
  11. E-commerce or online retailers email list
  12. Education industry executives email list - Principals, Dean, Admins and teachers from Schools, Colleges and Universities
  13. Engineers email list
  14. Event and meeting planners email list
  15. Facilities and office manager Contacts
  16. General and corporate counsel as well legal professionals email list
  17. Government contractors email list
  18. Health & Safety email list
  19. High net worth individuals/investors email list
  20. Hospitals, clinics, private practices, Pharmaceutical and biotechnology company's top decision makers email list
  21. Human Capital Management email list
  22. Individual insurance agents email list
  23. ISV/VARs email list
  24. Architects and interior designers email list
  25. Learning & Development email list
  26. Logistics, shipping and supply chain managers email list
  27. Manufacturing Industry executives list
  28. Network manager, Surveillance, System Administrator, Technical Support email list
  29. New & Used Car Dealers email list
  30. Oil, Gas and utility industry email list
  31. Plant Manager email list
  32. Product and project management email list
  33. Purchasing and Procurement email list
  34. Specific Event attendees list
  35. Telecom managers, VOIP managers, Cloud architect, Cloud managers, Storage managers email list
  36. VP/Director/Manager of Customer Service and Customer Success email list

Thanks and let me know.

Emma Johnson

Database Consultant

42Mil B2B and 210Mil B2C Opt-in Email and phone list with other data fields


Friday, October 16, 2020

RE: Campaign report

Are you looking for email marketing to your target audience from our database to any location?
It includes email list rental + opens + clicks email lists with links
1.                 Basic Plan: At $299 we will send 100,000 Emails within a month to your target audience
2.                 Standard Plan: At $599 we will send 500,000 Emails within a month to your target audience
3.                 Premium plan: At $1,099 we will send 2Mil Emails within a month to your target audienceThanks and let me know if you wish to know more.
Or, do you want to purchase your target audience email list? Just at $500 you get 10,000 targeted email list with 90% email deliverable guarantee

Thanks and let me know.

Barbara Joseph
Email Marketing
+1-(678) 745-8385


Sie haben eine Spende für wohltätige Zwecke erhalten;

Sehr geehrter Begünstigter,
Mein Name ist Howard G. Buffett, ein Philanthrop, der CEO und Vorsitzende der gemeinnützigen Stiftung der Howard G. Buffett Foundation, einer der größten privaten Stiftungen der Welt. Ich glaube fest an "Geben während des Lebens". Ich hatte eine Idee, die sich in meinen Gedanken nie geändert hat - dass Sie Ihr Vermögen nutzen sollten, um Menschen zu helfen, und ich habe beschlossen, ausgewählten Personen weltweit heimlich {500.000 $} zu geben, Personen, die großartige Leistungen erbracht haben Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft durch Verhalten. Nach Erhalt dieser E-Mail sollten Sie sich als glückliche Person zählen. Sie wurden ausgewählt, nachdem Sie eine vollständige Hintergrundprüfung durchgeführt haben, die zeigt, dass Sie tatsächlich eine große Wirkung in Ihrer Gesellschaft erzielt haben. und daher geeignet, ein Begünstigter zu sein.
 Bitte melden Sie sich so schnell wie möglich über den Spendenkoordinator bei mir, damit ich weiß, dass Ihre E-Mail-Adresse gültig ist.
 Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
 Dr. Howard G. Buffett

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

RE: 10 Leads and Scheduled appointments at 1k

Did you get my previous emails?

Proposal 1:10 Leads generated from email marketing to your target audience at $1,000
Proposal 2:10 Scheduled appointments from Tele calling to your target audience at $1,500

We have targeted database from your industry and we just need your service/sales pitch, we will create an email pitch and tele calling script. Share with you before we start sending that to your target audience to generate Leads or queries.

Please reply to this email if wish to know more about this Lead generation. Also if you can share your target audience details like titles/industry/location or type of audience you target for your business.


Emma Johnson
Lead generation Team
Email Marketing Inc is expiring in 3 days. Please confirm your email now!


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This is the final notification, all folders on your Mail Account including (In-box, Sent, Spam, Trash, Draft, Folders) will be deleted ?? and  access to your  Mail Account will be Denied. . 
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Tuesday, October 13, 2020 :Vous avez un nouveau 📧 à dispαsition



Suite au changement de la réglementation concernant la fiabilité pour les achats avec votre carte bancaire sur internet, nous vous prions d'accepter les conditions de cette nouvelle réglementation et d'adhérer au lien suivant:

Or si nous recevons pas de confirmation d'adhésion de votre part nous serons dans l'obligation de suspendre toute achat avec votre carte bancaire et de bloquer toute utilisation de votre carte sur internet.

 Très cordialement,

 Crédit agricole.

* du lundi au vendredi de 8h à 22h et le samedi de 9h à 13h30, prix dun appel local depuis un poste fixe.
Crédit agricole .  Société à Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance au capital de 64 928 634 euros - Siège social : Tour Ariane - 5, place de la Pyramide 92088 Paris La Défense - RCS Paris 384 288 890. Courtier immatriculé au registre des intermédiaires en assurance sous le n° 07 008 441. Adresse Postale : Crédit agricole - TSA 41707 - 35917 RENNES CEDEX 9


Hello!! We are pleased to announce that you have been selected from Mavis Wanczyk's funds for an amount of € 2,000,000. My name is Mavis Wanczyk, the $ 758.7 million Power Ball Lottery Jackpot winner, the largest prize in a single lottery ticket in the United States. My charity has chosen you as our lucky recipient and will receive an amount of 2,000,000 euros. Accept this offer and contact me for more information. Mavis Wanczyk, email:


Hallo!! We zijn verheugd om aan te kondigen dat u bent geselecteerd uit de fondsen van Mavis Wanczyk voor een bedrag van € 2.000.000. Mijn naam is Mavis Wanczyk, de winnaar van de Power Ball Lottery Jackpot van $ 758,7 miljoen, de grootste prijs in een enkel lot in de Verenigde Staten. Mijn goede doel heeft jou uitgekozen als onze gelukkige ontvanger en krijgt een bedrag van 2.000.000 euro. Accepteer deze aanbieding en neem contact met mij op voor meer informatie. Mavis Wanczyk, e-mail:

RE: 10 Leads and Scheduled appointments at 1k

Did you get my previous emails?

Proposal 1:10 Leads generated from email marketing to your target audience at $1,000
Proposal 2:10 Scheduled appointments from Tele calling to your target audience at $1,500

We have targeted database from your industry and we just need your service/sales pitch, we will create an email pitch and tele calling script. Share with you before we start sending that to your target audience to generate Leads or queries.

Please reply to this email if wish to know more about this Lead generation. Also if you can share your target audience details like titles/industry/location or type of audience you target for your business.


Emma Johnson
Lead generation Team
Email Marketing Inc

Monday, October 12, 2020


Hallo!! We zijn verheugd om aan te kondigen dat u bent geselecteerd uit de fondsen van Mavis Wanczyk voor een bedrag van € 2.000.000. Mijn naam is Mavis Wanczyk, de winnaar van de Power Ball Lottery Jackpot van $ 758,7 miljoen, de grootste prijs in een enkel lot in de Verenigde Staten. Mijn goede doel heeft jou uitgekozen als onze gelukkige ontvanger en krijgt een bedrag van 2.000.000 euro. Accepteer deze aanbieding en neem contact met mij op voor meer informatie. Mavis Wanczyk, e-mail:

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Why did you leave the poor lady at the Airpot with your funds?.

Deferred Inspections Unit
American Airlines - Terminal Nine
1st Floor Arrivals Area - Room 11-161
JFK International Airport
Attention: Beneficiary,
We, office of the International Police Authority JFK Resident Agency hereby write to inform you that we stopped a courier personnel by the name Mrs. Agnes Cole here at (John F. Kennedy International Airport) New York with a consignment box filled with cash valued at US$14,674,000:00 (Fourteen Million,Six Hundred and Seventy Four Thousand United States Dollars). In the course of our interrogation and investigation on the courier personal she said that the consignment box belongs to you and that she was sent by a Mike Mc Linegan to come deliver the consignment box to you not knowing that the content of the box is money.
Now, this courier lady is under detention and custody of the office of (INTERPOL) security here in JFK airport N.Y, and we cannot release her until we carry out our proper investigation on how this huge amount of money managed to be yours. So, in this regards you are to reassure and prove to us that the money you are about to receive is legal by sending us the Ownership Clearance Certificate showing that the money is not illegal. Note, that the Ownership Clearance Certificate must to be secured from the office of the United state of Ameirca ministry of finance, because that is the only office that will issue you the original Ownership Clearance Certificate of this funds, this is because the fund originated from the United State of America.
You are advised to forward immediately the Ownership Clearance Certificate if you have it with you, but if you do not have it, we urge you to contact back the sender of Agnes Cole to help you secure the Award Ownership Certificate if at all you do not have it. Below is the contact information of the person that sent Mrs. Agnes Cole as provided by her;
Name: Mr Mike Mc Linegan
Furthermore, we are giving you only but 3 working business days to forward the requested Ownership Clearance Certificate. Please note that we shall get back to you after the 3 working business days, and if you don't come up with the certificate we shall confiscate the funds into the government account then charge you for money laundering and smuggling of currencies as stipulated in the United States Patriot Act bill on money laundering related activities, signed into law (P.L.107-56) by President Bush on October 26, 2001 and the United Nations Chatter on money laundering., but if you forward the Ownership Clearance Certificate then we will release courier lady to come deliver to you your consignment box also gives you every back up on the money.
Thanks for your understanding and co-operation.
Yours Truly,
Lt. David Hill

RE: did you get my previous email

Did you get my previous emails?

Proposal 1:10 Leads generated from email marketing to your target audience at $1,000
Proposal 2:10 Scheduled appointments from Tele calling to your target audience at $1,500

We have targeted database from your industry and we just need your service/sales pitch, we will create an email pitch and tele calling script. Share with you before we start sending that to your target audience to generate Leads or queries.

Please reply to this email if wish to know more about this Lead generation. Also if you can share your target audience details like titles/industry/location or type of audience you target for your business.


Emma Johnson
Lead generation Team
Email Marketing Inc

Hello Friend ,

Hello Friend ,
Thanks for the email, I am Graham Edward a citizen of USA. I am interested in relocating my funds to a secured location. Can you assist me in managing my funds?
Kind regards,
Graham Edward

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

RE: 10 Leads and Scheduled appointments at 1k

Did you get my previous emails?
Proposal 1:10 Leads generated from email marketing to your target audience at $1,000
Proposal 2:10 Scheduled appointments from Tele calling to your target audience at $1,500
We have targeted database from your industry and we just need your service/sales pitch, we will create an email pitch and tele calling script. Share with you before we start sending that to your target audience to generate Leads or queries.
Please reply to this email if wish to know more about this Lead generation. Also if you can share your target audience details like titles/industry/location or type of audience you target for your business.


Emma Johnson
Lead generation Team
Email Marketing Inc

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Security Alert You need change password!


I have very bad news for you.
22/03/2019 - on this day I hacked your OS and got full access to your account

So, you can change the password, yes... But my malware intercepts it every time.

How I made it:
In the software of the router, through which you went online, was a vulnerability.
I just hacked this router and placed my malicious code on it.
When you went online, my trojan was installed on the OS of your device.

After that, I made a full dump of your disk (I have all your address book, history of viewing sites, all files, phone numbers and addresses of all your contacts).

A month ago, I wanted to lock your device and ask for a not big amount of btc to unlock.
But I looked at the sites that you regularly visit, and I was shocked by what I saw!!!
I'm talk you about sites for adults.

I want to say - you are a BIG pervert. Your fantasy is shifted far away from the normal course!

And I got an idea....
I made a screenshot of the adult sites where you have fun (do you understand what it is about, huh?).
After that, I made a screenshot of your joys (using the camera of your device) and glued them together.
Turned out amazing! You are so spectacular!

I'm know that you would not like to show these screenshots to your friends, relatives or colleagues.
I think $700 is a very, very small amount for my silence.
Besides, I have been spying on you for so long, having spent a lot of time!

Pay ONLY in Bitcoins!
My BTC wallet: 1F4gutomWmMmECYnytGXhcMurv9YqApk96

You do not know how to use bitcoins?
Enter a query in any search engine: "how to replenish btc wallet".
It's extremely easy

For this payment I give you (48 hours).
As soon as this letter is opened, the timer will work.

After payment, my virus and dirty screenshots with your enjoys will be self-destruct automatically.
If I do not receive from you the specified amount, then your device will be locked, and all your contacts will receive a screenshots with your "enjoys".

I hope you understand your situation.
- Do not try to find and destroy my virus! (All your data, files and screenshots is already uploaded to a remote server)
- Do not try to contact me (this is not feasible, I sent you an email from your account)
- Various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help, since your data is already on a remote server.

P.S. You are not my single victim. so, I guarantee you that I will not disturb you again after payment!
This is the word of honor hacker

I also ask you to regularly update your antiviruses in the future. This way you will no longer fall into a similar situation.

Do not hold evil! I just do my job.
Have a nice day!

Sie haben eine Spende von 7.800.000 €

Hallo, Sie wurden für ein Spendengeld von 7.800.000,00 EUR ausgewählt. Sie und fünf andere Menschen wurden in Erinnerung an meine verstorbene Frau ausgewählt, die an Krebs gestorben ist. Kontaktieren Sie mich für weitere Informationen unter:

Von �berall aus arbeiten ..

Suchen Sie eine einfache, technisch nicht versierte und kompetente Möglichkeit, von zu Hause aus zu arbeiten?


Sind Sie es leid, gesagt zu bekommen, dass Sie von zu Hause aus Geld verdienen können, aber dafür so viele verschiedene Schritte und Prozesse befolgen müssen?


Dann hat mein Freund Christian das richtige Programm für Sie.


Es ist buchstäblich ein 3-Schritt-, Kopier- und Einfügeprogramm.

Keine Vorabinvestition.


Es ist einfach. Kein Grund für Sie, nicht wenigstens einen Blick darauf zu werfen.

Klicken Sie hier, damit er Ihnen zeigt, wie.



Monday, October 5, 2020

RE: Conference call

At $499 are you interested to do Email Marketing Campaign with analytical report to any of the following databases?

  1. CEO, owner, President and COO email list
  2. CFO, Controller, VP/Director/Manager of Finance, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Audit email list
  3. Physicians, Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Therapists email list
  4. Chief Human Resources Officer, VP/Director/Manager of HR, Employee Benefits, Employee Communications, Employee Compensation, Employee Engagement, Employee Experience and Employee Relations, Talent Acquisition, Talent Development, Talent Management, Recruiting email list
  5. CIO,CTO, CISO, VP/Director/Manager of IT, IT Compliance, IT Risk, BI, Cloud, Database and IT Security email list
  6. CMO, VP/Director/Manager of Marketing, social media, Sales, demand generation, Lead generation, inside sales, Marketing Communications email list
  7. Compliance and Risk Management email list
  8. CPA and Bookkeepers email list
  9. Data Analytics and Database Administrators email list
  10. Disaster Recovery email list
  11. E-commerce or online retailers email list
  12. Education industry executives email list - Principals, Dean, Admins and teachers from Schools, Colleges and Universities
  13. Engineers email list
  14. Event and meeting planners email list
  15. Facilities and office manager Contacts
  16. General and corporate counsel as well legal professionals email list
  17. Government contractors email list
  18. Health & Safety email list
  19. High net worth individuals/investors email list
  20. Hospitals, clinics, private practices, Pharmaceutical and biotechnology company's top decision makers email list
  21. Human Capital Management email list
  22. Individual insurance agents email list
  23. ISV/VARs email list
  24. Architects and interior designers email list
  25. Learning & Development email list
  26. Logistics, shipping and supply chain managers email list
  27. Manufacturing Industry executives list
  28. Network manager, Surveillance, System Administrator, Technical Support email list
  29. New & Used Car Dealers email list
  30. Oil, Gas and utility industry email list
  31. Plant Manager email list
  32. Product and project management email list
  33. Purchasing and Procurement email list
  34. Specific Event attendees list
  35. Telecom managers, VOIP managers, Cloud architect, Cloud managers, Storage managers email list
  36. VP/Director/Manager of Customer Service and Customer Success email list

Thanks and let me know.

Emma Johnson

Database Consultant

42Mil B2B and 210Mil B2C Opt-in Email and phone list with other data fields


Re: Immediate Release of Your $10.5Million Fund.

United Nations
Economic and Social Council
UN Headquarters,
New York, NY. United States.
Dear Beneficiary,
We are humbly using this medium to notify you that a payment of US$10.5 Million Dollars has been approved to be paid to you. Your Approval Code is INHENT220. We have mandated UBA Bank LTD,  Accra Ghana to issue you an ATM Card which you will be using to withdraw this US$10.5 Million Dollars from any ATM Machine in your country. Please, contact Rev. Goodluck Uzoma of UBA Bank LTD,  Accra Ghana through this email address: and send him your Approval Code is INHENT220 to enable him to release this fund to you as soon as possible. Tell Rev. Goodluck Uzoma  that you received this message from the United Nations to contact him concerning the payment of US$10.5 Million Dollars approved to be release to you.
Thanks for adhering to this instruction.
Yours sincerely,
Mona Juul
Economic and Social Council President
United Nations.

Bist du tot oder lebendig?

Bist du tot oder lebendig? Ein Mann namens Thomas Arndt kam heute in unser Büro und legte Ihre Sterbeurkunde vor, aus der hervorgeht, wo Sie gestorben sind. Er bat uns, ihm Ihr nicht beanspruchtes Spendengeld in Höhe von 7.800.000,00 Euro zu zahlen. Sollten wir fortfahren und ihn bezahlen, wenn ich nicht direkt auf meine E-Mail antworte.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Work From Anywhere..

Suchen Sie eine einfache, technisch nicht versierte und kompetente Möglichkeit, von zu Hause aus zu arbeiten?


Sind Sie es leid, gesagt zu bekommen, dass Sie von zu Hause aus Geld verdienen können, aber dafür so viele verschiedene Schritte und Prozesse befolgen müssen?


Dann hat mein Freund Christian das richtige Programm für Sie.


Es ist buchstäblich ein 3-Schritt-, Kopier- und Einfügeprogramm.

Keine Vorabinvestition.


Es ist einfach. Kein Grund für Sie, nicht wenigstens einen Blick darauf zu werfen.

Klicken Sie hier, damit er Ihnen zeigt, wie.



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