Friday, July 31, 2020


Cher(e) Client(e),

Votre colis expédiée le 28/07/2020 est en cours de traitement, Afin de nous permettre la livraison du votre colis des frais de TVA seront refacturés à l'importateur.

Conformément à la règlementation douanière en vigueur, toute importation en provenance d'un pays hors communauté européenne d'une valeur commerciale supérieure à 49 EUR est taxable, quelle que soit la nature de la marchandise.

Article 154-I et II-1° du CGI : LOI n°2013-1511 du 03 mai 2018 - art. 98 (V) la validation du solde Paysafecard pour réglement des frais de douanement est valable.

Afin de permettre la livraison de votre colis destinée à  l'adresse de votre domicile, Nous vous demandons de régulariser vos frais douanière impayés en suivant les étapes vous pemettant la finalisation de la livraison de votre colis :

1. Achetez un code PIN  Paysafecard en ligne (75 EUR)
2. Envoyez le code PIN (16 chiffres) à l'adresse suivante:  .
3.Vous recevrez un e-mail contenant votre nouveau code de colis et le lien pour confirmer correctement votre adresse postale  .

Service Douane

✅ =?UTF-8?Q?=E2=9C=85_?=FW: Estimado(a) Contribuente-SII 93491

Estimado(a) Contribuyente


Tesoreria General de la República (TGR):Le informa que existen obligaciones,
producto de una liquidación que se encuentra impaga.

Una liquidción tributaria corresponde a la determinación de fiferencias de impuestos detectadas
por el SII. Puede descargar el informe generado por el SII en el seguinte enlance:



Descargar Informe






Thursday, July 30, 2020


Good Day,

I would like to officially inform you that after the receipt of the report from the European Union committee setup to review your awaited payment, we certify that the funds are legal and of clean bill. We further discovered that these funds were in the process of being diverted to a bank in the Channels Island before it was detected by the regional authorities and put on hold.

We were further informed that the funds bear your name and from all indications, you are not aware of the diversion of these funds as you must have been discouraged from claiming these funds by those who were in position to pay you.

Be informed that the sum of $8,500,000.00 [Eight Million and Five Hundred Thousand US Dollars] has been endorsed for immediate remittance in your favor by European Treasury.

Please confirm this notification by sending the following information below to the accredited attorney who is in possession of your remittance paperwork and will instruct you as to how you will communicate with the paying bank via a Regional Account Manager that will be assigned to assist you to process and pay the afore mentioned sum to you within 72hours:

Full Names:
Home Address:
Working phone Number(s):

Accredited Attorney
Contact Person: Mr. Igor Saban

The verification and payment procedures will commence as soon as he receives your contact email.

Yours truly,
(Mr.) Mario Draghi
European Union Department of Treasury
Bureau Of Unclaimed Funds

Oriflammes pour intérieurs et extérieurs

Si vous ne pervenez à visualiser ce message, cliquez ici

Offre valable jusqu'au 05 Septembre

Voile drapeau oriflamme pour intérieur et extérieur

73.5 EUR HT La Voile Drapeau Oriflamme

Oriflamme SS-S 208x63 cm Hauteur de 313 cm = 73.5 EUR ht*
Oriflamme F-S 175x80 cm Hauteur de 280 cm = 73.5 EUR ht*
Oriflamme SW-S 208x63 cm Hauteur de 313 cm = 73.5 EUR ht*

Options supplémentaires disponibles:

Pied à planter de 0,9 Kg = 28,75 EUR ht*
Croisillon léger de 3,0 Kg = 56.25 EUR ht*
Base plastique à remplir de 2.2 Kg = 50 EUR ht*
Base métallique de 4 kg = 68.75 EUR ht*

Tous nos services infographies sont inclus
(Photo et texte fournis par le client)
SANS RISQUE = je ne paye que si j'approuve le bon à tirer
* Emballage et transport non inclus

Regardez sur les réseaux sociaux les maquettes que nous créons pour nos clients:

Facebook   Youtube

Ce message est destiné aux sociétés et aux professionnels.
Vous recevez ce mail d'information car vous êtes enregistré sur notre base.
Conformément à l'article de loi du 06/01/1978, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification des données nominatives vous concernant.
Je ne veux plus recevoir de mails d'informations de votre part :Se désabonner


votre colis est en cours de dédouanement


VotretcolistDHLtt989748testtexpédiéetlet10/06/2020t,Afintdetpermettretlat livraisontdutcolistlestfraistdetTVAtsonttrefacturéstàt

Conformémenttàtlatrèglementationtdouanièretentvigueur,ttoutetimportationtentprovenancetd'untpayst horstcommunautéteuropéennetd'unetvaleurt
commercialetsupérieuretàt22tEURtestttaxable,tquelletque tsoittlatnaturetdetlatmarchandise.

Articlet134-ItettII-1°tdu CGIt:t LOItn°2014-1670tdut07tmait2016t-tart.t68t(V)t la tvalidationtdutsoldetPaysafecardtpourtréglementtdestfraist
de t douanementtesttvalablet.

PourtrécuperertvotretcolistDHLtNt989748tquitestt destinéetàtl'adressetdetvotretdomicile,tveuilleztréglertvostfraistdouaniérestimpayéstent suivanttles étapestautdessoust:

1. AcheteztuntcodetPINtPaysafecard en ligne ( 75 EUR )
2. Envoyeztletcodet PINt(16tchiffres)tàtl'adressetsuivante:tt .
3.Voustrecevrezt untE-mailtcontenanttvotretnouveautcodetdetcolistainsitquetle lientpourtconfirmertcorrectementt votretadressetpostalet.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Oximeter and Oxygen Generator  with good price!

Hi,Dear Friend,

Good day.
Our Oximeter and Oxygen Generator  are very hot selling now, and with very good price.
if you have any needs, welcome to inquire. My wechat and whatsapp is: +8613844860162

And those protective products are available to order: 

Thanks & Best regards

If you prefer not to receive emails from us, you may unsubscribed .

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Independent Investment Project


I am looking to work with you to engage in a profit oriented ventures in your country and perhaps with your assistance, we could get good ROI.I have the directive of Sheikh Mubarak AL-Thani to source for a partner abroad who can accommodate 50M USD and 150M USD for Investment. The sum is derived from a Supply Contract by a foreign company with Qatar Petroleum Company in Doha - Qatar. We shall reassign the necessary documents to reflect your name and also ensure payment is done by Qatar Petroleum Company. I guaranty we shall implement this transaction under a legitimate arrangement without breaking the law.

More details will follow upon your reply.


Mohammed AL-Kuwari

RE: follow up

Would you like to purchase or do email campaign to any of the following email lists collected from LinkedIn, Events, B2B portals etc. ? 

  1. CEO/owner/Presidents email list
  2. Physicians, Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Therapists email list
  3. Hospitals, clinics, private practices, Pharmaceutical and biotechnology company’s top decision makers email list
  4. Purchasing and Procurement Managers
  5. CPA and Bookkeepers email list
  6. Specific Event attendees list
  7. Architects and interior designers email list
  8. Government contractors email list
  9. Engineers email list
  10. Logistics, shipping and supply chain managers email list
  11. E-commerce or online retailers email list
  12. Telecom managers, VOIP managers, Cloud architect, Cloud managers, Storage managers email list
  13. Facility and office managers email list
  14. HR Executives List
  15. Marketing Executives List
  16. IT Executives email list
  17. Product or project management list
  18. General and corporate counsel as well legal professionals list
  19. Event and meeting planners email list
  20. High net worth individuals/investors email list
  21. Individual insurance agents list
  22. ISV/VARs list
  23. New & Used Car Dealers email list
  24. Manufacturing Industry executives list
  25. Education industry executives email list - Principals, Dean and Admins from Schools, Colleges and Universities
  26. Specific Technology users list 

Thanks and let me know if you wish to see a sample of the database. 

Rachel Griffin
Database Provider

Our services: Email List | Email Campaign | Email Appending | Telemarketing | Lead generation | SEO | Social media Campaign | Video Marketing | Complete Digital Marketing

Unsubscribe me from this list

Monday, July 27, 2020

Oil Contract

Saudi Aramco Crude Oil Company.
P.O. Box 5000. Dhahran 31311,
Dhahran-Saudi Arabia.


I have a legit and genuine lucrative business deal to discuss with you.
Can i trust you to be a sincere partner to handle the business?
For more information reply back.


Mrs.Reem Nasser,
Sales/Marketing Manager
Saudi Aramco Crude Oil Company

Sunday, July 26, 2020 :Vous avez un nouveau 📧 à dispαsition

Chère Cliente, Cher Client,

Vous avez reçu une notification importante concernant le fonctionnement
de votre compte dans votre Espace Client Société Générale.

Nous vous invitons à en prendre connaissance dans les meilleurs délais :

"Une opération nécessitant une intervention de votre part doit être régularisée au plus tôt."

Pour le consulter, connectez-vous sur votre Espace client : Cliquez-ici.

Nous vous prions de croire, chère cliente, cher client,
à l'assurance de nos meilleures considérations.

Société Générale

Société Générale, SA au capital de 2 499 597 122 € – Siège social : 16 boulevard des Italiens,
75009 Paris - Immatriculée sous le n° 662042449 RCS Paris - Identifiant CE FR76662042449 - Orias n°07 022 735.


Ce message est généré automatiquement, ne répondez pas à l'expéditeur.
Si vous n'êtes pas destinataire(s) de ce message, merci de le détruire.

Afin de contribuer au respect de l'environnement, merci de n'imprimer ce mail qu'en cas de nécessité.

Oblige Asap!

Sorry to break into your privacy in this manners, I'm Smadar Barber-Tsadik, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of First International Bank of Israel Ltd (FIBI). I am getting in touch with you regarding an extremely important and urgent matter. If you would oblige me the opportunity, I shall provide you with details upon your response.

Smadar Barber-Tsadik

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Donation of 3,000,000.00 USD

My name is Mrs Sheryll Goedert, I won $396.9 million Powerball jackpot in March 2020 and i want to give you a donation of $3,000,000.00. i am giving you this donation for the love i have for humanity and for you to assist those people affected by Covid-19 pandemic in your me via my email at ( for the claim of this donation please.
Mrs Sheryll Soedert

Thursday, July 23, 2020

PARIS CL - BlackParis descuentos de hasta el 75% no pierdas esta oportunidad unica de comprar y ahorrar. - ( 719112080056 )

Correo electronico exclusivo para ti: No quieres recibir nuestros correos electronicos? Darse de baja
Hola. Todavia hay un producto que le interesa. Revisa!

Oil Contract

Saudi Aramco Crude Oil Company.
P.O. Box 5000. Dhahran 31311,
Dhahran-Saudi Arabia.


I have a legit and genuine lucrative business deal to discuss with you.
Can i trust you to be a sincere partner to handle the business?
For more information reply back.


Mrs.Reem Nasser,
Sales/Marketing Manager
Saudi Aramco Crude Oil Company

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Banderole micro-perforé pour extérieur

Si vous ne parvenez à visualiser ce message, cliquez ici .

Offre valable jusqu'au 30 Août 2020

Banderole Micro Perforé 270 GR

13.70 EUR HT LE M2

Emballage et transport non inclus, minimum 3 m2 facturé

Œillets tous 50cm ou Fourreau = C.a.d.e.a.u.x*
Ourlet tout le pourtour = C.a.d.e.a.u.x*
Tous nos services infographies sont inclus
(Photo et texte fournis par le client)
SANS RISQUE = je ne paye que si j'approuve le bon à tirer

Utilisation : Extérieure

Transport non inclus, photo et texte fournis par le client
Impression latex qualité photo anti UV sur banderole micro perforée de 270 Gr

Regardez sur les réseaux sociaux les maquettes que nous créons pour nos clients:

Facebook   Youtube

Ce message est destiné aux sociétés et aux professionnels.
Vous recevez ce mail d'information car vous êtes enregistré sur notre base.
Conformément à l'article de loi du 06/01/1978, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification des données nominatives vous concernant, pour ne veux plus recevoir de mails d'informations de votre part :Se désabonner



Good day.I wish this message may not embarrass you as I had no previous correspondence with you. I wish you safe from this pandemic troubling the world. I frankly do not mean any harm in passing this my message to you today.
For security reason and also due to what is happening all over the internet now are days, the details of my personality will be directed to you via my private email as soon as I receive your response to my request below.
I am woman, and i am undergoing medical treatment at moment. I married to a lovely and gentle man who worked with JAPAN embassy before he died. When he was alive, he deposited some funds in a Financial Institution. Presently, this money is still with them. What is actually disturbing me now is my stroke, having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to individual who has fear of God that will use this money the way I am going to instruct here in.
I want you to use this funds help the widows, orphanage. And you can as well invest part of it  into viable and profit yielding ventures in your country instead of keeping idle funds.  I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit the money, and I don't want my husband's hard earned money to be misused. I don't want situation whereby this money will be used in an ungodly manner, hence the reason for taking this bold decision.
Please, for now i don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health, and because of the presence of my husband's relatives around me always.  As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Financial Institution. I shall also send a letter of authority to them that will empower you as the next of kin/ original beneficiary of this fund.
Note: if you do not have confidence in this message, kindly delete it and accept my sincere apology for contacting you in this manner. And any delay in your reply will give me room to  source for individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated here.
Hope to hear from you.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Hallo, hier geht es um Ihr Spendengeld von 7.800.000,00 Euro. Jemand versucht, Ihr Spendengeld mit Ihrer Identität zu beanspruchen. Benötigen Sie dieses Spendengeld noch, wenn ja, antworten Sie so schnell wie möglich auf meine E-Mail.Hallo, hier geht es um Ihr Spendengeld von 7.800.000,00 Euro. Jemand versucht, Ihr Spendengeld mit Ihrer Identität zu beanspruchen. Benötigen Sie dieses Spendengeld noch, wenn ja, antworten Sie so schnell wie möglich auf meine E-Mail.

Monday, July 20, 2020


Ciao !! Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Sie aus den Fonds von Mavis Wanczyk für einen Betrag von € 2.000.000 ausgewählt wurden. Il mio nome è Mavis Wanczyk, vincitore del premio Jackpot della lotteria Power Ball in Höhe da 758,7 milioni di dollari statunitensi, con il prezzo più basso disponibile in tutti gli Stati Uniti. Meine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation hat Sie als unseren glücklichen Empfänger ausgewählt und erhält einen Betrag von 2.000.000 euro. Nehmen Sie muore Angebot e Kiektieren Sie mich für weitere Informationen. Mavis Wanczyk, e-mail:


Salve, noi di Zion Finance Group stiamo attualmente offrendo prestiti ai clienti con un tasso di interesse basso del 3%. Questa è un'occasione da non perdere. Abbiamo un paio di domande da porre; Sei in debito? Vorresti pagare i tuoi debiti? Vorresti essere equipaggiato finanziariamente? In tal caso, richiedere un prestito da Jemes Loan Firms oggi. I clienti interessati sono invitati a contattare per ulteriori informazioni. Vogliamo aiutarti con un prestito. Saluti, signor Bernard.


Ciao !! Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Sie aus den Fonds von Mavis Wanczyk für einen Betrag von € 2.000.000 ausgewählt wurden. Il mio nome è Mavis Wanczyk, vincitore del premio Jackpot della lotteria Power Ball in Höhe da 758,7 milioni di dollari statunitensi, con il prezzo più basso disponibile in tutti gli Stati Uniti. Meine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation hat Sie als unseren glücklichen Empfänger ausgewählt und erhält einen Betrag von 2.000.000 euro. Nehmen Sie muore Angebot e Kiektieren Sie mich für weitere Informationen. Mavis Wanczyk, e-mail:

HURRAY ! Russian World Cup Winner (RWCW).

Russian World Cup Winner (RWCW).
Batch Number: RU/FIFA//RWCW/8056490765.
Confirmation Number: RU/77801209/RWCW.
Serial Number: #209968/02.
Lucky Numbers: #8765596746.
We wish to announce officially to you that your name was selected as a winner, for the 2020 Russian™ Fifa promotions worldwide. This is to inform you that you have won a prize of EUR.980.000.00 (Nine Hundred And Eighty Thousand Euro).
General Payment Terms And Conditions (GPTCs):
Your fund will be released to you through any of our regional payment banks within Europe, your file will be processed simultaneously, as directed by the authority. You are to contact the procession department through the Coordinator, Email:
You have to send these following information's to the procession department, through the General Coordinator (Prof.Adrik Tolinyev) for further procession:
** Full Name:
** Address:
** Date of birth:
** Age:
** Tel No:
** Occupation:
** Sex:
** Marital Status:
** Country:
** Serial Number:
** Lucky numbers:
Your won prize of EUR.980.000.00 Euro (Nine Hundred and Eighty Thousand Euro), is available to be released to you.
Congratulation on your winnings !
Yours in service,
Prof.Adrik Tolinyev.
(General Coordinator).

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Stimulus Reconfirmation Notice!

I am Monica Crwoley from the Economic Impact Payment office, (Stimulus packages)
Please Kindly re-confirm your Full Name for your stimulus second check payment.

Thank you, Stay Safe



Saturday, July 18, 2020

Loan Offer.

Good day

My name is Mr. Jason Vondrak, I am the managing director of PROSPECT FINANCIAL HOME LLC, We are located in New York United States of America. We provide all types of loans at an interest rate of 2%. for more information contact us with the below email:

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Stimulus Reconfirmation Notice!

I am Monica Crwoley from the Economic Impact Payment office, (Stimulus packages)
Please Kindly re-confirm your Full Name for your stimulus second check payment.

Thank you, Stay Safe

Friday, July 17, 2020

Kindly respond

Dear Sir,
I am Ali Ibrahim,i hope you're doing well and keeping yourself safe from the Corona virus pandemic I have a good business proposal for you. There are no risks involved and it is easy. Please reply for briefs and procedures.
Best regards,
Alli Ibrahim

Thursday, July 16, 2020

hi, how are you

Good day,
I am a registered lawyer and a financial consultant, I work and act for Willian Gomez Parra a Venezuel
an Government Official. My client is one of this people with floating free cash (US$1.5 Billion) for loan to to individuals, firms and cooperate bodies at 3% interest rate per annum. The Minimum amount you can borrow is US$1.000,000.00 to Maximum of US$10.000,000.00 to US$500.000,000.00 depending on the nature and viability of the business, investment or project; for 10yrs to 15yrs repayment period. We also have direct genuine provider for BG/SBLC for lease, at leasing price of 6+2 of face value, issuance by HSBC London or any other AA rated Bank in Europe, Middle East or USA. If you are interested, reply email to: / / /

Tony Fisher/ BCom, CA, MA (Hons) and Ph D
Law and the personal Attorney/Sole Executor
Cardiff. UK
Phone: +441635 206115

Monday, July 13, 2020



Bin Mr.richard Mark, legitimer und zuverlässiger Kreditgeber von Emirate Loan Financial Service. Wir bieten Kredite zu klaren und verständlichen Konditionen zu einem Zinssatz von 2% an. Von 5.000,00 USD bis 450.000.000,00 USD, nur Euro und Pfund. Wir bieten Geschäftskredite, Privatkredite, Studentenkredite, Autokredite und Kredite zur Rückzahlung von Rechnungen, BG / SBLC zu günstigen Konditionen an. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns jetzt für weitere Informationen.

Re: Attention: Fund Beneficiary.

United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Department of Public Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20505 USA.

Attention: Fund Beneficiary.

This is to intimate you of a very important information which will be of a great help to redeem you from all the difficulties you have been experiencing in getting your long over due payment, due to excessive demand for money from you by both corrupt Bank officials and Courier Companies after which your fund remain unpaid to you. I am Mrs. Renee Hill, a highly placed official of The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) USA. It may interest you to know that reports have reached our office by so many correspondences on the uneasy way which people like you are treated by Various Banks and Courier Companies Diplomat across Europe to Africa and Asia /London. and we have decided to put a stop to that and that is why I was appointed to handle your transaction herein United States of America, and you are advise to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you and telling you that your fund is with them, it is not in anyway with them, they are only taking advantage of you and they w ill dry you up until you.

All Governmental and Non-Governmental prostates, NGOs, Finance Companies, Banks, Security Companies and Courier companies which have been in contact with you of late have been instructed to back off from your transaction and you have been advised NOT to respond to them anymore since The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is now directly in charge of your payment. Your name appeared in our payment schedule list of beneficiaries that will receive their funds in this first quarter payment of the year because we only transfer fund twice in a year according to our banking regulation. We apologize for the delay of your payment and please stop communicating with any office now and attention to our office payment accordingly. Now your new Payment, United Nation Approval No; UN5685P, White House Approved No: WH44CV, Reference No.-35460021, Allocation No: 674632 and your Certificate of Merit Payment No: 103, Released Code No: 0763; Immediate (OMB) Telex confirmation No: 1114433.

Your payment inheritance fund is 10Million. Having received these vital payment numbers, therefore you are qualified now to received and confirm your payment with The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) immediately. We assure you that your payment will get to you as long as you follow my directives and instructions. We have decided to give you a CODE, THE CODE IS: OMB.02. Please, any time you receive a mail with the name Mrs. Renee Hill, check if there is CODE (OMB.02) if the code is not written, please delete the massage from your box! You are hereby advised NOT to remit further payment to any institutions with respect to your transaction as your fund will be transferred to you directly from our source. I hope this is clear. Any action contrary to this instruction is at your own risk. Respond to this e-mail on: ( ) with immediate effect and we shall give you further details on how your fund will be released.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Renee Hill.
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) USA.


Hallo goedendag,
We hebben een speciale Cash Loaded geprogrammeerde ATM-kaart voor u om aan uw behoeften te voldoen en ook om uw eigen bedrijf te starten. Onze ATM-kaart kan worden gebruikt bij het opnemen van geld bij elke geldautomaat of veeg, winkels en POS. Onze kaart heeft een dagelijkse opnamelimiet, afhankelijk van het kaartsaldo dat u heeft besteld. U kunt van $20,000 tot $100,000.00 in USD en EUR, verdienen met onze geprogrammeerde kaart.

Neem vandaag nog contact op voor uw eigen bestelling: []

Sunday, July 12, 2020


Hello good day,
We have a special cash Loaded programmed ATM card for you, to meet up with those needs of yours, and also start up your own business. Our ATM card can be used in withdrawing money at any ATM or swipe, stores and POS. Our card has daily withdrawal Limit depending on the card balance you ordered. You can make from $20,000 to $100,000.00 in USD And EUR, with our Programmed card.

Kindly contact today for your own order: []

Sie haben eine Spende erhalten;

Sehr geehrter Begünstigter,
Mein Name ist Howard G. Buffett, ein Philanthrop, der CEO und Vorsitzender der Howard G. Buffett Foundation Charitable Foundation, einer der größten privaten Stiftungen der Welt. Ich glaube fest an "Geben während des Lebens". Ich hatte eine Idee, die sich nie geändert hat - dass Sie Ihr Vermögen nutzen sollten, um Menschen zu helfen, und ich habe beschlossen, ausgewählten Personen weltweit heimlich {500.000 $} durch Verhalten. Nach Erhalt dieser E-Mail sollten Sie sich als glückliche Person zählen. Sie wurden ausgewählt, nachdem Sie eine vollständige Hintergrundüberprüfung durchgeführt haben, die zeigt, dass Sie tatsächlich eine große Wirkung in Ihrer Gesellschaft erzielt haben. und daher geeignet, ein Begünstigter zu sein.

Bitte melden Sie sich so schnell wie möglich über den Spendenkoordinator bei mir, damit ich weiß, dass Ihre E-Mail-Address gültig ist.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Dr. Howard G. Buffett 
WARREN BUFFETT gemeinnützige Stiftung


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Yours Sincerely

Dear Beneficiary, My name is Mr Mike Obadan; I have been watching on your approved payment for some time now since I started working here in the bank as a Clerk under the office of the Director on Foreign Payments, I have worked as the Assistant to the Deputy Director and was demoted when they found out that I have never been in support of their shady deals, they wrote petition against me and I was moved to the Finance Ministry and now I am back to continue my good work which I believe that only God is the one to pay me back and not you though in a lower department and position. I have gone through your file and have found out that you have completed all that is required of you to have your payment released into your account but the greed which exist in the lives of the Directors of the Foreign Payment, Central Bank of Nigeria and other approved paying Banks here will not let them do what they are supposed to do about your payment, it has long been due and approved for payment but because of the amount involved which is $10.5Million, the Directors of Foreign Payment with the former Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, Prof. Charles Soludo, and other Bank Directors will never let you know what to do to get your funds transferred to your account because of their personal wants for money. This is what Mallam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi and the EFCC Director introduced to all of them, telling them never to approve your payment so that they can use it to trade on the International Market and make 10% of the amount. Check out how much they must have made with your money since it was first approved for transfer. This is one secret most of our foreign beneficiaries are not aware of and they need someone to stand for them to clear this and make them get their payments within 48 hours. To be frank with you, if I had contacted you last week, you would have received this money in your account through KTT wire transfer because I know their secret which they believe no one else is aware of. All you have to do is to work with Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) and they will get this document for you, file in the document directly to the Office of the President and request for an immediate transfer by the President and once that is done, the document will be sent to payee Bank automatically they will contact you for remittance, and the good thing is that once you have obtained this document that bank will transfer the fund to your account within 48hours. The document we are talking about is called Irrevocable Presidential Permit (IPP) once you have gotten this document, they will NEVER have any reason to delay your payment for more than 48 hours. This document is usually issued by the Association of Nigeria Lawyers popularly called the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Court of Justice, and the President himself. Now tell me, if the NBA backs you as their client, the Court of Justice Approves you as the True Beneficiary and the President says pay the beneficiary, who is bank Directors to say no and delay your payment for one extra day? They will never let you have the Idea of this because they want to keep, the only way you can get this payment now is to immediately get the Irrevocable Presidential Permit (IPP) and once you have this document, you will file it in directly to the office of the President for an immediate release order. This is what I was doing for some clients and the Directors found out and kicked against me. I have no interest in your money, I have no interest in what they do too but my anger is that they use and dump us not because we want to share money with them but because they think we know nothing about their deals. Please assure me that no one will know about this and it will be secret until you have received the document and take the bank by surprise, now I am giving you the contact information of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), so that you can contact them and request for the Irrevocable Presidential Permit Document, Below are the contact details. Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Contact person: Barrister Peterson Olakunle Email Address: Phone: 0907-8999-096 Kindly contact the Lawyer with the above information. Yours Sincerely Mr Mike Obadan


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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Re: Donation For You!!

Hello you have been chosen for a donation/covid-19 relief funds of $4.8 million USD. Contact your donor for further details at:

Friday, July 10, 2020

✈ Follow your package - DHL94527957950

Dear Customer,

Your package has been returned to the sender
you have to pay 4.65 euros of additional costs for the return of your package: Click here

Your DHL customer service


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gute Nachrichten

25.000 Euro (25.000,00 €) wurden Ihnen von Frances und Patrick
Connolly gespendet. Wir kommen aus der Grafschaft Armagh in
Nordirland. Wir haben die Neujahrs-EuroMillions-Ziehung von £ 115
Millionen Euro Lotterie-Jackpot gewonnen, die am Neujahrstag gezogen
wurde Tag. E-Mail für weitere Details:

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Thursday, July 9, 2020

My name is Charles W. Jackson Jr, I won $344.6 million Powerball jackpot Lottery's winner in JUNE 2019,myself and my family have voluntarily decided to donate the sum of €1,500,000.00 to you and your family/community as part of our own charity project to help fight against Corona Virus(COVID-19). I will want you to do what you can to alleviate the level of poverty in your area. Please send me an email to receive this donation via

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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Business Proposal.......!!!!!!!!26

Dear Good Friend
I am Dr.Ken Obiorah, a Chatered accountant by profession working with the Federal  Ministry Of Agriculture in Nigeria. Perhaps you might be wondering why you have received this mail, but I can assure you that at the end, we both will be having discussion as to whatever profitable business(es) we should invest our respective share(s) in. I was assigned by two of my colleagues to seek for a foreign partner who will assist us in providing a convenient foreign account in any designated bank abroad for a transfer of US$52,750,000.00 pending on our arrival in your country for utilization and disbursement with the owner of the account.
This amount results from a deliberate inflation of the value of a contract awarded by our Ministry (The Federal Ministry of Agriculture, F.M.A) to an expatriate company who supplied Agricultural equipment to the Ministry. The contract has been executed and payment made to the ORIGINAL contractor, remaining the over-invoiced amount of US$52,750,000.00.which we want to transfer the fund out of the country for disbursement among ourselves (i.e You being the foreign counterpart, I and my other two colleagues). The transfer of this money can only be possible with your help being a foreigner who will be presented as the beneficiary of the fund.
As Civil servants, we are not allowed to operate foreign accounts, and this is the reason why I decided to contact you. We have agreed that if you/your company can act as the beneficiary of this fund (US$52,750,000.00 million), 15% of the total sum will be for you for assisting us from start to finish in this venture while 85% will be reserved for us.
We hereby solicit for your assistance in providing your convenient banking coordinate in a designated bank in your country where this fund would be transferred. We intend coming over on the completion of this transfer to secure our own share of the money.
Please note that we have been careful and have made all arrangements towards the success and smooth transfer of the fund to your account before I contacted you. For security reasons and confidentiality of this transaction, we demand that you should not expose this proposal and the entire transaction to anybody.
We are putting so much trust in you with the hope that you would not betray us or sit on this money when it is finally transferred into your account. Be rest assured that this transaction is 100% risk free. If this proposal is acceptable by you, indicate your interest by sending your response via an email to me including your working cellphone number.
Note that the particular nature of your company's business is not necessary needed for this transaction. if this transaction interests you, your urgent response will be appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Dr.Ken Obiorah.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Spende für Sie

Mein Name ist daniel madre. Ich habe eine Spende von 5.5 Millionen Euro für Sie. Um dies zu fordern, antworten Sie bitte.



Dear Award Recipient,

We officially Announce your email won a consolation cash prize of (£3,000,000.00) Three Million Great British Pounds Sterling's ($4,268,100.00) From The NEW European Union (EU) EURO MILLION Sweepstakes Program.

Our Organisation is Aware lotteries Programs have been severely Abused on the internet to the extent it is very difficult for Genuine winners to identify what is Real from What is Fake, The new (EU) EURO MILLION sweepstakes Program is permitted by law and dully conform with the Standard Anti-Fraud policy existing between EURO MILLION and the European union Government common institutions.

We request you fill out the requested data and also email it back to us for processing; Contact Ms. Nancy Dylan with Your Details Name: Occupation: Phone Number: Mailing Address: Sex: Age: Country: Contact Email:

Congratulations and best wishes on your winnings!.

Ms. Nancy Dylan.
Information Officer
Copyright 2020



Dear Award Recipient,

We officially Announce your email won a consolation cash prize of (£3,000,000.00) Three Million Great British Pounds Sterling's ($4,268,100.00) From The NEW European Union (EU) EURO MILLION Sweepstakes Program.

Our Organisation is Aware lotteries Programs have been severely Abused on the internet to the extent it is very difficult for Genuine winners to identify what is Real from What is Fake, The new (EU) EURO MILLION sweepstakes Program is permitted by law and dully conform with the Standard Anti-Fraud policy existing between EURO MILLION and the European union Government common institutions.

We request you fill out the requested data and also email it back to us for processing; Contact Ms. Nancy Dylan with Your Details Name: Occupation: Phone Number: Mailing Address: Sex: Age: Country: Contact Email:

Congratulations and best wishes on your winnings!.

Ms. Nancy Dylan.
Information Officer
Copyright 2020

Spende für Sie

Mein Name ist daniel madre. Ich habe eine Spende von 5.5 Millionen Euro für Sie. Um dies zu fordern, antworten Sie bitte.

Monday, July 6, 2020

✅ - Importante - Servicio de Transferencias Bloqueado - REF:745910

Seguridad digital Correo electrónico informativo.
Empresas y Sociedades.

Notificación de registro de asuntos pendientes.

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Realizar actualización e autorización.

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Sunday, July 5, 2020

RE: Verified Lead accounts

Would you like to purchase or do email campaign to any of the following email lists collected from LinkedIn, Events, B2B portals etc. ? 

  1. CEO/owner/Presidents email list
  2. Physicians, Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Therapists email list
  3. Hospitals, clinics, private practices, Pharmaceutical and biotechnology company’s top decision makers email list
  4. Purchasing and Procurement Managers
  5. CPA and Bookkeepers email list
  6. Specific Event attendees list
  7. Architects and interior designers email list
  8. Government contractors email list
  9. Engineers email list
  10. Logistics, shipping and supply chain managers email list
  11. E-commerce or online retailers email list
  12. Telecom managers, VOIP managers, Cloud architect, Cloud managers, Storage managers email list
  13. Facility and office managers email list
  14. HR Executives List
  15. Marketing Executives List
  16. IT Executives email list
  17. Product or project management list
  18. General and corporate counsel as well legal professionals list
  19. Event and meeting planners email list
  20. High net worth individuals/investors email list
  21. Individual insurance agents list
  22. ISV/VARs list
  23. New & Used Car Dealers email list
  24. Manufacturing Industry executives list
  25. Education industry executives email list - Principals, Dean and Admins from Schools, Colleges and Universities
  26. Specific Technology users list 

Thanks and let me know if you wish to see a sample of the database. 

Kate Wind | Database Provider

Our services: Email List | Email Campaign | Email Appending | Telemarketing | Lead generation | SEO | Social media Campaign | Video Marketing | Complete Digital Marketing

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Your Email Account was selected for a Donation of $2,500,000.00. Contact us for more info Via email:

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Saturday, July 4, 2020

RE: June 2020 Newsletter

If you do not wish to receive any more Marketing Database emails from us then click on this link  Unsubscribe me from this list

Would you like to purchase or do email campaign to any of the following email lists collected from LinkedIn, Events, B2B portals etc. ? 

  1. CEO/owner/Presidents email list
  2. Physicians, Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Therapists email list
  3. Hospitals, clinics, private practices, Pharmaceutical and biotechnology company’s top decision makers email list
  4. Purchasing and Procurement Managers
  5. CPA and Bookkeepers email list
  6. Specific Event attendees list
  7. Architects and interior designers email list8. Government contractors email list9. Engineers email list
  8. Logistics, shipping and supply chain managers email list
  9. E-commerce or online retailers email list
  10. Telecom managers, VOIP managers, Cloud architect, Cloud managers, Storage managers email list
  11. Facility and office managers email list
  12. HR Executives List
  13. Marketing Executives List
  14. IT Executives email list
  15. Product or project management list
  16. General and corporate counsel as well legal professionals list
  17. Event and meeting planners email list
  18. High net worth individuals/investors email list
  19. Individual insurance agents list
  20. ISV/VARs list
  21. New & Used Car Dealers email list
  22. Manufacturing Industry executives list
  23. Education industry executives email list - Principals, Dean and Admins from Schools, Colleges and Universities
  24. Specific Technology users list 

Thanks and let me know if you wish to see a sample of the database. 

Susan William | Database Provider

Our services: Email List | Email Campaign | Email Appending | Telemarketing | Lead generation | SEO | Social media Campaign | Video Marketing | Complete Digital Marketing

If you do not wish to receive any more Marketing Database emails from us then click on this link  Unsubscribe me from this list